Maka aku dgn excitednya memeluk Zairi and cakap -- Congrats, abg!!! hehehe...
Alhamdulillah, Zairi akan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh JPA (under KPT) untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Masters.. kira ni official dah la.. syukur sgt2... ni kira hadiah birthday yang paling bermakna la buat dia.. hehehe...
Tiba2 dlm kepala otak aku dah berfikir -- haiiishhhh... lepas ni leh la kitorang bershopping sakan.. muahahahahaa...
1. In general (as in so far, throughout the semester) -- okay, i guess
2. Now, as in right this moment -- not so good
Let's see in detail --
1. Classes
This is an example of a quarter of South Dakota State and the year it's officially produced is encripted below the coin... so imagine getting 50 states in the US of these!! I'll keep you peeps posted once I completed the collection :)
2. Pennants
I'm just crazy about these things... whenever I go, I must be in search of one of these... size does not matter... but I prefer the large ones -- so far I've pennants from all the universities that I visited, all sports club and team of the cities I visited, not to mention some places that I visited, too.. I wonder why Malaysia didn't make these things (there might be at some places, but not that much)...
3. Shot glasses
Here's another stuff that I'll buy when I'm visiting anywhere (including the airports :P)... the ones that I have collected during my undergrad days are currently displayed at my mom's house in KL... It's neat and cute... plus I'll always have the memories of the place/logo displayed on the glass in my mind whenever I'm looking at it..
So those are the main stuff that I would like to continue on collecting while I'm in the US... and I also collect postcards and collectible plates -- but this started way before I came to the US... and I'll buy them whenever I'm looking for the pennants and the shot glasses. Fridge magnets, toothpick holders, fork and spoon sets, you may ask? For the time being I guess I'll focus more on the collection that I already started... but definitely will look into starting the fridge magnet collection in the near future..
Yesterday night at CE 502 class..
I got back my 1st assignment this semester..
Looked at the grade..
It's above 80, less then 90...
Syukur, Alhamdulillah..
But then the professor said...
Everybody did a good job on the 1st assignment, there's A's and B's...
I peeked my Egyptian friend's paper -- she got a 100 -- perfect score..
Took a look at a guy sitting in front me -- he got 95
Didn't manage to look at other people's grade...
There's only 7 of us in the class..
Suddenly I ferl terrible, low and disgusted with myself...
I guess I did bad compared to the others (well, I just saw the grades for two of 'em)
All of the sudden I got this mental picture about me being the worst in the class..
And then so many questions came up in my mind..
Will I be able to keep up with these people?
And sometimes I do feel I know nothing at all... zero...(kinda stupid once in a while) especially when they start throwing ideas and opinion in class
And start thinking -- geez.. how smart are these people, and how "brainless" I am..
Am I pushing/judging myself too hard? Or am I being paranoid?
*Sigh* -- I know it's not good to "sigh", but seriously, I am not feeling good about all this...
Adik : Weh Kak long, camane ni??
Aku : Amendenya?
Adik: Tadi masa dalam bas ada sorang mat saleh ni duduk kat sebelah orang, dia bawak anjing besar gile warna hitam, anjing tu pulak dok gesel2 ekor dia kat seluar orang. Hidung dia pulak bau2 lutut orang. Camane ni ....
Aku: Hahaha... abis tu semua org tgk ah? owner anjing tu buat apa?
Adik: Orang ckp kat dia "I cannot touch dogs". Lepas tu dia suruh anjing dia tu ke tepi sebelah sana, then anjing tu tak gerak, stay kat situ Orang lain pulak belai2 usap kepala anjing tu.. Eeeeiiii.. huhuhu... camane ni.. nak kena samak ke?
Aku: Anjing tu kering ke basah?
Adik: Mana org tau??? Adooiiiii laaaa... nak buat macamana ni?
Aku: Kalau rasa basah, kena la samak.. gi la carik tanah kat depan tu...
Adik: Mana ada tanah? semua snow...
Aku: Korek2 le bwh snow tu, ada tanah leee...
Adik: Camane ni??? Nak tanya Abg Jalal/Abg Fazli tak?
Aku :Tanyalah... dah ko tak pasti... kalau kak dayah, samak je la.. better save than sorry...
Lepas solat jumaat...
Aku: Adik dah tanya Abg Jalal?
Adik: Dah.. dia kata ambil kira keseluruhan, ajing tu kering, so tak yah la samak. So nak samak ke tak?
Aku: Pening la kepala ... kalau nak senang, samak je la...
Adik: Adoooiii...(membebel sendirian sbb tension dgn anjing tu)
Aku tau dia tension nak carik tanah semua.. haha... so korang rasa camana?
Maka aku dgn excitednya memeluk Zairi and cakap -- Congrats, abg!!! hehehe...
Alhamdulillah, Zairi akan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh JPA (under KPT) untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Masters.. kira ni official dah la.. syukur sgt2... ni kira hadiah birthday yang paling bermakna la buat dia.. hehehe...
Tiba2 dlm kepala otak aku dah berfikir -- haiiishhhh... lepas ni leh la kitorang bershopping sakan.. muahahahahaa...
1. In general (as in so far, throughout the semester) -- okay, i guess
2. Now, as in right this moment -- not so good
Let's see in detail --
1. Classes
This is an example of a quarter of South Dakota State and the year it's officially produced is encripted below the coin... so imagine getting 50 states in the US of these!! I'll keep you peeps posted once I completed the collection :)
2. Pennants
I'm just crazy about these things... whenever I go, I must be in search of one of these... size does not matter... but I prefer the large ones -- so far I've pennants from all the universities that I visited, all sports club and team of the cities I visited, not to mention some places that I visited, too.. I wonder why Malaysia didn't make these things (there might be at some places, but not that much)...
3. Shot glasses
Here's another stuff that I'll buy when I'm visiting anywhere (including the airports :P)... the ones that I have collected during my undergrad days are currently displayed at my mom's house in KL... It's neat and cute... plus I'll always have the memories of the place/logo displayed on the glass in my mind whenever I'm looking at it..
So those are the main stuff that I would like to continue on collecting while I'm in the US... and I also collect postcards and collectible plates -- but this started way before I came to the US... and I'll buy them whenever I'm looking for the pennants and the shot glasses. Fridge magnets, toothpick holders, fork and spoon sets, you may ask? For the time being I guess I'll focus more on the collection that I already started... but definitely will look into starting the fridge magnet collection in the near future..
Yesterday night at CE 502 class..
I got back my 1st assignment this semester..
Looked at the grade..
It's above 80, less then 90...
Syukur, Alhamdulillah..
But then the professor said...
Everybody did a good job on the 1st assignment, there's A's and B's...
I peeked my Egyptian friend's paper -- she got a 100 -- perfect score..
Took a look at a guy sitting in front me -- he got 95
Didn't manage to look at other people's grade...
There's only 7 of us in the class..
Suddenly I ferl terrible, low and disgusted with myself...
I guess I did bad compared to the others (well, I just saw the grades for two of 'em)
All of the sudden I got this mental picture about me being the worst in the class..
And then so many questions came up in my mind..
Will I be able to keep up with these people?
And sometimes I do feel I know nothing at all... zero...(kinda stupid once in a while) especially when they start throwing ideas and opinion in class
And start thinking -- geez.. how smart are these people, and how "brainless" I am..
Am I pushing/judging myself too hard? Or am I being paranoid?
*Sigh* -- I know it's not good to "sigh", but seriously, I am not feeling good about all this...
Adik : Weh Kak long, camane ni??
Aku : Amendenya?
Adik: Tadi masa dalam bas ada sorang mat saleh ni duduk kat sebelah orang, dia bawak anjing besar gile warna hitam, anjing tu pulak dok gesel2 ekor dia kat seluar orang. Hidung dia pulak bau2 lutut orang. Camane ni ....
Aku: Hahaha... abis tu semua org tgk ah? owner anjing tu buat apa?
Adik: Orang ckp kat dia "I cannot touch dogs". Lepas tu dia suruh anjing dia tu ke tepi sebelah sana, then anjing tu tak gerak, stay kat situ Orang lain pulak belai2 usap kepala anjing tu.. Eeeeiiii.. huhuhu... camane ni.. nak kena samak ke?
Aku: Anjing tu kering ke basah?
Adik: Mana org tau??? Adooiiiii laaaa... nak buat macamana ni?
Aku: Kalau rasa basah, kena la samak.. gi la carik tanah kat depan tu...
Adik: Mana ada tanah? semua snow...
Aku: Korek2 le bwh snow tu, ada tanah leee...
Adik: Camane ni??? Nak tanya Abg Jalal/Abg Fazli tak?
Aku :Tanyalah... dah ko tak pasti... kalau kak dayah, samak je la.. better save than sorry...
Lepas solat jumaat...
Aku: Adik dah tanya Abg Jalal?
Adik: Dah.. dia kata ambil kira keseluruhan, ajing tu kering, so tak yah la samak. So nak samak ke tak?
Aku: Pening la kepala ... kalau nak senang, samak je la...
Adik: Adoooiii...(membebel sendirian sbb tension dgn anjing tu)
Aku tau dia tension nak carik tanah semua.. haha... so korang rasa camana?
.:: Demi Masa ::.
About Me
::: Today is.. :::
::: Ames, Iowa :::
.:: Islamic Calendar ::.
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.:: My Family ::.
List of articles16 years ago
::: Sweetie Pie :::
::: Soulmates :::
::: Ames Forecast :::
.:: Who's here? ::.
.:: I read them ::.
Ring Ring Ringgit9 years ago
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!10 years ago
Snaphot - I Did It Finally!12 years ago
testing12 years ago
Photoshoot majalah SANTAI13 years ago
::: Buddies :::
I won 2 contests!8 years ago
Rindu sgt2.....10 years ago
Usia yang meningkat dan persahabatan10 years ago
Tersentuh...10 years ago
it is annoying11 years ago
TANYALAH USTAZ : Solat dan Perihal Kesihatan12 years ago
Grateful12 years ago
Kucing kesejokkkan...13 years ago
which one to choose..13 years ago
a start to perfection13 years ago
Persediaan Menghadapi Ramadhan13 years ago
DIARI YG DITANAM???13 years ago
Last Post.......200913 years ago
DRAMAKING!!!!14 years ago
Aku dalam dilema14 years ago
Sudah 3 series?!?!15 years ago
KPTM 26th Convocation @ PICC15 years ago
praktikal 3 bulan15 years ago
Genting Theme Park...wihuuu!!15 years ago
Piramid Agung Kufu16 years ago