Yesterday (19th August 2008) was my 2nd anniversary. Zairi and I had a simple celebration - lunch together and got some cuppies for the event. Nothing big. The thought that counts, eh? Hehe.. I placed an order from Kak Yeen few weeks ago for our anniversary - and here's the cuppies -->
The packaging
The cute cuppies :P
Later in the afternoon we had lunch at Restoran Seri Mualaf near Kuantan Plaza (heard that the food there is yummy, so wanna give it a try). Here's what we ordered:
Squid fried with chilli
Crispy Fried Tofu
Sweet Sour Kerapu
Refreshing Lemon and Mango Juice
well, of course it comes together with the rice.. and I have to agree that the food was scrumptious --> I highly recommend it!
All in all, it was memorable, of course... Semoga kami terus bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. amin..