Convocation Part 2

Panicked.Shocked. Honestly, I can't really describe the feelings - it was all mixed up when I saw what happened to my house. We (Me, Zairi and Fatihah) came back from KL on 25th June 2008 (Wednesday), and my house (part of it) was a mess. Obviously 'someone' has been breaking and entering into our home, and thus we called our landlord and the cops.Abg Zul (our landlord) came alone since his wife, Kak Zu was busy at the office. He and Zairi later on went to the IPK and file a report.In the meantime, 2 cops came in a police car to look at the 'crime scene'.
How does the burglary happened? How did the thief broke into our house? Here's the observation that we (policemen, landlord, zairi and I) made :
- The thief cut our next door back fence (nobody live next door on our left side) and then break off the padlock slot at the grill
Living room
Dear fellow readers,
I've been wanting to write about Father's Day, to make it fair and square since I wrote something about mother's day. I got mama a handmade bouquet of flowers from papers with candies and a card. So what do I get for daddy? A card - it's the same version as mama's card, only it's for father's day :D. I want to get something else as well but I have no idea.. I think i want to give him a treat.. but need to discuss the plan with mama since i will going back to KL this evening..
Dear daddy:
This is your 'little girl', wanna wish you a very Happy Father's Day. You're a great dad and I'm really lucky to have you as my dad.. you will always be my favourite guy, and I always looked up to you. Thanks for all the things that you have done for me.. (thanks for nuts.. remember?? haha). I love u so much and may Allah bless you..
P/S: Fatihah would like to wish her grandpa Happy Father's Day, too!! :D
Date: 18th June 2008
Day: Wednesday
Time: 8.30 am - 5.00pm
Venue: Drawing lab, UiTM Jengka
This is the first time for us, civil engineering lecturers to be involved in pre-vetting exam paper as the preparation for final moderation at UiTM Penang on 30th June - 2nd July 2008.
It was a hectic day, well for most of us.. but the food was good as always.. hehe.. quite an interesting experience dealing with the preparation of final exam questions.
I reached home around 8.00pm... very exhausted.. time to hit the sheets..zzzzzzzzzz
How did I get involve with the online shopping phenomenon? Let me see... Ada la minggu2 sudah tu start dengan nak carik toys utk Fatihah. Ada la jumpa yang berkenan di hati, tapi stok abis.. but then.. jeng jeng.. there are so many other things.. yang tak terpikir dek akal pun ada jual gak online nih.. so apalagi.. cuci2 mata la sket.. and the first product that I bought was:
Organic Baby food for Fatihah --> import tauu.. dari NZ and UK.. I bought some snacks and porridge.. suka betul si Fatihah makan...
Then one item led to another.. tangan pun gatal2 tengok perencah2 makanan online.. ha, beli pulak perencah daging masak hitam, sos and kuah kacang.. hari ni baru sampai ofis.. apalagi.. mlm ni nak try la masak.. hehe..
The next item pulak, baru je beli tadi.. guess what?? sepasang kain batik ela.. lawa la pulak.. tu yg terbeli.. ada sale pulak tu kat, so tu yang beli tu... insya allah esok sampai..
The conclusion --> isk isk bahaya betul kalau dok browse kedai2 online nih.. tak pasal2 nanti duit abis tak ingat.. tapi rasa berbaloi sebab barang2 yg dibeli tu mmg murah kalau dikira include postage pun.. Whatever it is, mmg la satu pilihan utk bershopping..
Bila dah beli online nih, yg paling seronok masa nak tunggu parcel sampai. Asyik tanya Azrul je kat Admin tu ada parcel ke tak. Lepas tu, bila parcel sampai, apalagi, yahooo la satu ofis.. hehe
Alhamdulillah syukur sangat2 di atas segala kurniaan yang telah Allah berikan.. I can't say how grateful I am with all the opportunities given to me.. and I have to say that all of this may not be possible without Doa from mama and daddy...I thank Allah for giving me both of you as my parents.. Betullah orang tua2 cakap, doa ibubapa buat anaknya tu memang la dimakbulkan Allah..
My status for Spring 2009 intake for PhD is Full with no restrictions --> I'm waiting for my offer letter and I-20 for Visa Application.
I will be working with Dr Jennifer Shane and I heard that she's nice and quite flexible, too..
Can't wait to be there at Iowa State!
Salam all..
I was bored at work (ramai sangat orang cuti.. almaklumlah cuti sekolah..) and I decided to tweak here and there in my blog. I saw this great skin and started to change the look of my blog. My things to do list is endless, but today I feel like nak cantikkan sikit blog.. amacam? ada ok ke? Oklah tu..( Ala-ala Saida AF6 gituu..)
Panicked.Shocked. Honestly, I can't really describe the feelings - it was all mixed up when I saw what happened to my house. We (Me, Zairi and Fatihah) came back from KL on 25th June 2008 (Wednesday), and my house (part of it) was a mess. Obviously 'someone' has been breaking and entering into our home, and thus we called our landlord and the cops.Abg Zul (our landlord) came alone since his wife, Kak Zu was busy at the office. He and Zairi later on went to the IPK and file a report.In the meantime, 2 cops came in a police car to look at the 'crime scene'.
How does the burglary happened? How did the thief broke into our house? Here's the observation that we (policemen, landlord, zairi and I) made :
- The thief cut our next door back fence (nobody live next door on our left side) and then break off the padlock slot at the grill
Living room
Dear fellow readers,
I've been wanting to write about Father's Day, to make it fair and square since I wrote something about mother's day. I got mama a handmade bouquet of flowers from papers with candies and a card. So what do I get for daddy? A card - it's the same version as mama's card, only it's for father's day :D. I want to get something else as well but I have no idea.. I think i want to give him a treat.. but need to discuss the plan with mama since i will going back to KL this evening..
Dear daddy:
This is your 'little girl', wanna wish you a very Happy Father's Day. You're a great dad and I'm really lucky to have you as my dad.. you will always be my favourite guy, and I always looked up to you. Thanks for all the things that you have done for me.. (thanks for nuts.. remember?? haha). I love u so much and may Allah bless you..
P/S: Fatihah would like to wish her grandpa Happy Father's Day, too!! :D
Date: 18th June 2008
Day: Wednesday
Time: 8.30 am - 5.00pm
Venue: Drawing lab, UiTM Jengka
This is the first time for us, civil engineering lecturers to be involved in pre-vetting exam paper as the preparation for final moderation at UiTM Penang on 30th June - 2nd July 2008.
It was a hectic day, well for most of us.. but the food was good as always.. hehe.. quite an interesting experience dealing with the preparation of final exam questions.
I reached home around 8.00pm... very exhausted.. time to hit the sheets..zzzzzzzzzz
How did I get involve with the online shopping phenomenon? Let me see... Ada la minggu2 sudah tu start dengan nak carik toys utk Fatihah. Ada la jumpa yang berkenan di hati, tapi stok abis.. but then.. jeng jeng.. there are so many other things.. yang tak terpikir dek akal pun ada jual gak online nih.. so apalagi.. cuci2 mata la sket.. and the first product that I bought was:
Organic Baby food for Fatihah --> import tauu.. dari NZ and UK.. I bought some snacks and porridge.. suka betul si Fatihah makan...
Then one item led to another.. tangan pun gatal2 tengok perencah2 makanan online.. ha, beli pulak perencah daging masak hitam, sos and kuah kacang.. hari ni baru sampai ofis.. apalagi.. mlm ni nak try la masak.. hehe..
The next item pulak, baru je beli tadi.. guess what?? sepasang kain batik ela.. lawa la pulak.. tu yg terbeli.. ada sale pulak tu kat, so tu yang beli tu... insya allah esok sampai..
The conclusion --> isk isk bahaya betul kalau dok browse kedai2 online nih.. tak pasal2 nanti duit abis tak ingat.. tapi rasa berbaloi sebab barang2 yg dibeli tu mmg murah kalau dikira include postage pun.. Whatever it is, mmg la satu pilihan utk bershopping..
Bila dah beli online nih, yg paling seronok masa nak tunggu parcel sampai. Asyik tanya Azrul je kat Admin tu ada parcel ke tak. Lepas tu, bila parcel sampai, apalagi, yahooo la satu ofis.. hehe
Alhamdulillah syukur sangat2 di atas segala kurniaan yang telah Allah berikan.. I can't say how grateful I am with all the opportunities given to me.. and I have to say that all of this may not be possible without Doa from mama and daddy...I thank Allah for giving me both of you as my parents.. Betullah orang tua2 cakap, doa ibubapa buat anaknya tu memang la dimakbulkan Allah..
My status for Spring 2009 intake for PhD is Full with no restrictions --> I'm waiting for my offer letter and I-20 for Visa Application.
I will be working with Dr Jennifer Shane and I heard that she's nice and quite flexible, too..
Can't wait to be there at Iowa State!
Salam all..
I was bored at work (ramai sangat orang cuti.. almaklumlah cuti sekolah..) and I decided to tweak here and there in my blog. I saw this great skin and started to change the look of my blog. My things to do list is endless, but today I feel like nak cantikkan sikit blog.. amacam? ada ok ke? Oklah tu..( Ala-ala Saida AF6 gituu..)