Scholarship's update  

Posted by hidayah

Ok readers... I'm sure all of you would like to know how things are going with Zairi's scholarship progress.. masa mula2 aku post entry kat blog, plus consult people i know (MSD, JPA, KPT)about it, macam2 reaksi dan advice yg aku terima.. so thanks a lot pada semua input/cadangan/nasihat yang diberi.. most of the people told me that Zairi's matter can be solved, and thus he may get his BTN postponed. Few days after, he was asked to attend a course on research methodology upon accepting his scholarship. So, what he did was... he wrote a letter to postpone both BTN and the course, emailed it to the KPT people, while with daddy's help, get the letter faxed to the officer as well. Kolej dia pun dah poslaju the acceptance letter yang Zairi kena sign untuk dihantar ke KPT. Tonight he will fax it to make it official that he receives the offer..SO, the next step is to wait the KPT people to deliberate (I guess they will talk about Zairi's case in their meeting) and wait for their response. Harap2 dapatlah dipertimbangkan...


Posted by hidayah

Aku sebenarnya tak de mood nak post entry within these few days. Ni pun sebab rasa mcm tak best pulak kalau tak update entry. Aku sbenarnya berada dalam keadaan bercelaru, dan sedang bermacam2 benda sedang menghantui otak aku ni...

Macam yang aku tulis sebelum ni, Zairi dah pn dapat offer sambung master, under KPT (kementerian pengajian tinggi). Alhamdulillah, syukur sgt2. Bukan semua org dapat peluang mcm ni, kan... anyway, nak dijadikan cerita, kami sekeluarga dah diuji dengan dugaan dari Allah.. semua pun sedia maklum kan kalau ditaja government ni kena attend kursus BTN and mcm2 mak nenek lagi la kan... so yg memeningkan kepala kitorg is... Zairi kena pergi BTN and kursus quantitive analysis (QA) upon receiving scholarship tu. Isk.. isk... persoalannya ---

1. Camane lak dia nak attend kedua2 course tu? Dia dah ada kt sini... xkan nak balik Malaysia?Lgpun baru je sampai sini. ongkosnya lagi??

2. Boleh ke kalau dia mintak tangguh BTN and kursus QA tu supaya dibuat di tgh/hujung pengajiannya?

3. Orang kolej komuniti tu takkan tak bgtau kementerian yg Zairi dh ada kat sini? Bagi org kementrian aware skit ttg hal ni?

4. Yg paling sengal -- BTN tu start 26 hb februari ni ye.. so tak ke sesak otak kitorang nak pikir cara penyelesaian?

There ... lega skit bila dapat luahka dalam blog... Kalau sapa2 ada cadangan/penyelesaian untuk membantu meringankan beban kitorang, sila-silalah ye.... serius buntu ni weh....

Conference Call  

Posted by hidayah

Hari ni kira 1st time sepanjang hidup (err... ye kot) aku experience buat conference call via phone bersama-sama teammates aku untuk discuss presentation kitorang untuk hari selasa akan datang. Sebelum aku citer pasal conference call ni dgn lebih lanjut, rasanya baik aku citer serba sedikit pasal nature kelas aku yang ini dan sebab musabab kami berconference call...

Kelas CE 501 aku ni kelas bdk2 graduate full time + off-campus (budak2 PLK). So setiap sesi kelas akan dirakam dalam bentuk video streaming dan akan diupload dlm portal student. Kitorang student on campus ada dlm 8 org, off-campus pun 8 org. So tiap2 kali kelas terasa macam buat rakaman tv pulak sebab kamera penuh keliling kelas, yang akan merakamkn segala macam aktiviti sepanjang kelas. Bagi aku, canggih ah jugak sbb jgn harap kat malaysia belajar style gini. Lepas tu, kitorang pulak diberi tugasan dlm bentuk kumpulan, yang mana ahli kumpulan tu campur2, on campus dgn off-campus. So student off-campus ni bkn ada dekat2 kawasan universiti ni, maunya ada sampai state jauh2... so mana leh jumpa2 nak discuss, kan... maka medium perbincangan kumpulan sama ada guna email atau conference call je la..

So tadi 1st time la kitorang set masa dan buat conference call. Group aku ada 4 org, yg lagi 3 tu lelaki. So bila dial satu number ni then masing2 dapatlah dgr suara org lain yg participate dlm conference call tu. Yang lawaknya, dahlah line x berapa clear, aku pn tak tahu siapa yg bercakap, biji butir apa yg diorang ckp pun tak jelas.. hahaha.... aku confuse siapa yg berckap, sama ada Aaron, Erik atau Greg. Dahlah tu, kkadang ada 2 org cakap serentak, lagi aku confuse.. aku rasa mat saleh bertiga tu mesti pelik kenapa aku byk berdiam masa conference call tu sbb aku x berapa dgr apa yg dibincangkan, lepas tu semua org nak bercakap, dan aku confuse sapa yg bercakap. Hahaha... mmg lawak ah... lepas tu memasing semua tanya -- Hida? Hida? So what do you think? Aku pun -- Aaaa... Err.... Sure.... whatever (padahal tak berbutir sgt apa yg diorang cakap tu... haha)

So tulah.. aku sebenarnya tak favor sgt style conference call ni sbb payah skit nak discuss. Aku prefer team member sit together, analyze data sesama... tapi nak buat camane, org2 off-campus tu semua jauh2... tu baru 4 org, kalau ramai aku rasa mmg haru....huhuhu

Congrats, abang !!!  

Posted by hidayah

2 pagi yang lalu...

Zairi: Bangunlah... abg nak tunjuk something..
Aku : (Sambil terpisat-pisat) Apa dia?
Zairi: Meh la kat sini (sambil keluar bilik).. Tengok ni...
Aku : (Sambil tenyeh-tenyeh mata) Mana? Apa?
Zairi: (Sambil tunjuk skrin laptopnya) Ni ha...

Dengan mengantuknya aku kedepankan muka ke skrin sambil mengecikkan bijik mata (akukan rabun.. mana ada pkai spek time tu.. haha..). Ini yang aku lihat..

Klik sini untuk paparan yg lebih jelas

Maka aku dgn excitednya memeluk Zairi and cakap -- Congrats, abg!!! hehehe...

Alhamdulillah, Zairi akan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh JPA (under KPT) untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Masters.. kira ni official dah la.. syukur sgt2... ni kira hadiah birthday yang paling bermakna la buat dia.. hehehe...

Tiba2 dlm kepala otak aku dah berfikir -- haiiishhhh... lepas ni leh la kitorang bershopping sakan.. muahahahahaa...

Hey Hida, How's it going on?  

Posted by hidayah

1. In general (as in so far, throughout the semester) -- okay, i guess
2. Now, as in right this moment -- not so good

Let's see in detail --

1. Classes

I'm taking 3 classes this semester, and so far in general everything went fine, except... remember the class that I was fussing about in my previous entry? The one that demotivates me due to the grade? yeah... it's that class again, people... i suck! i suck bigtime!!! i dunno what went wrong, and obviously i got the 2nd assignment back, with grades less than before.... *grrrrrrrrrrrrr* Seriously pissed with myself right now,don't know what i got wrong for. To make things worse, my Egyptian friend, (oh.. i should write an entry about her some time, by the way her name is Ghada) she got a perfect score. AGAIN. I'm feeling sick of myself. Duh. I know some people out there will say -- OK, SO YOU SLACKED OFF THE FIRST TWO ASSIGNMENTS. BIG DEAL! Well, it is a big deal for me, and might not be for some of you out there... I wasn't like this before, you know... throughout my masters and even during my undergrad... just make me feel soooo dumb whenever I keep thinking about it.. so I'm gonna drop the subject...*grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* But I did took Ghada's paper back home so I can see where I got wrong..

2. Research
I'm currently in the process of starting doing literature review, and I'll be working on this cool project with my professor. I will only come up with a topic for my dissertation whenever I'm halfway through the lit review process. I'm feeling pretty good about it (eventhough I have a stack of articles to read), and I also discovered some good stuff to accompany my research process. I'm trying to use EndNote and Google Docs as my research tools, and help me keep organized all the time.

3. Life as a student/wife/mother
I am trying my best to allocate quality time for research work, family time, blogging time (need to allocate a good 2 hours for blog hopping and updating, since I know there are people waiting for updates :)), homework/studying time and of course, shopping (either grocery or window.. haha).. But once in a while, I need a break and just wanna enjoy life! Err.. I hope I can go and watch movies.. seriously, there are tons of good movies here, hehe... but with Fatihah around, I don't think it's possible right now.. should wait until she's big enough so that I can bring her along and don't feel bad about leaving her and go entertained myself :P

4. Fatihah
She's now in the stage where everything around her is so interesting, and wanna get hold of 'em! Hehe.. she develops quite an interest in plush toys, especially teddy bears.. (wonder where she got that from :P)..Very eager to run everywhere, and fascinated by anything that we (Zairi, Adik and I) did... very observant and will imitate whatever we did.. so "mengada-ngada" and "manja" all the time.. hehe

5. Zairi and Adik
Zairi just passed his driving theory test... now is planning on taking the driving test.. then hopefully he'll go to school this fall... and of course need to arrange a schedule so that there's always one of us to look after our precious Fatihah... As far as Adik, he's managing quite well with his studies and all... sometimes complaining that there's ton of assignments... hey, that's what students need to do, isn't it?

By the way, we went shopping last Saturday at the Mall and managed to get good bargain on jackets, shirts, jeans, pants and some other things... hehee... it's clearance sale, again... we went there by bus and had a good time :)

My US Memorabilia and collectibles  

Posted by hidayah

I'm typing this entry because I'm trying to keep myself awake after done reading Chapter 3: Organizational Structures and Cultures for my project management class. The topic itself sounds boring, so you can imagine the reading! :) It's an hour away before my Project Control for Machines class starts. I've been wanting to share about memorabilia and collectibles that I have and would like to continue collecting....

1. United States 50 States Quarters Mint Collection

I'm sure people who have been to the US would loooooove to get all these quarters in a special book/board designed for this purpose... I had most of them when I was an undergrad, and it displays the states and it's symbol behind the quarters (cool!)... It looks like this..

This is an example of a quarter of South Dakota State and the year it's officially produced is encripted below the coin... so imagine getting 50 states in the US of these!! I'll keep you peeps posted once I completed the collection :)

2. Pennants

I'm just crazy about these things... whenever I go, I must be in search of one of these... size does not matter... but I prefer the large ones -- so far I've pennants from all the universities that I visited, all sports club and team of the cities I visited, not to mention some places that I visited, too.. I wonder why Malaysia didn't make these things (there might be at some places, but not that much)...

3. Shot glasses

Here's another stuff that I'll buy when I'm visiting anywhere (including the airports :P)... the ones that I have collected during my undergrad days are currently displayed at my mom's house in KL... It's neat and cute... plus I'll always have the memories of the place/logo displayed on the glass in my mind whenever I'm looking at it..

So those are the main stuff that I would like to continue on collecting while I'm in the US... and I also collect postcards and collectible plates -- but this started way before I came to the US... and I'll buy them whenever I'm looking for the pennants and the shot glasses. Fridge magnets, toothpick holders, fork and spoon sets, you may ask? For the time being I guess I'll focus more on the collection that I already started... but definitely will look into starting the fridge magnet collection in the near future..

Am I being paranoid?  

Posted by hidayah

Yesterday night at CE 502 class..

I got back my 1st assignment this semester..
Looked at the grade..
It's above 80, less then 90...
Syukur, Alhamdulillah..
But then the professor said...
Everybody did a good job on the 1st assignment, there's A's and B's...
I peeked my Egyptian friend's paper -- she got a 100 -- perfect score..
Took a look at a guy sitting in front me -- he got 95
Didn't manage to look at other people's grade...
There's only 7 of us in the class..
Suddenly I ferl terrible, low and disgusted with myself...
I guess I did bad compared to the others (well, I just saw the grades for two of 'em)
All of the sudden I got this mental picture about me being the worst in the class..
And then so many questions came up in my mind..
Will I be able to keep up with these people?
And sometimes I do feel I know nothing at all... zero...(kinda stupid once in a while) especially when they start throwing ideas and opinion in class
And start thinking -- geez.. how smart are these people, and how "brainless" I am..
Am I pushing/judging myself too hard? Or am I being paranoid?

*Sigh* -- I know it's not good to "sigh", but seriously, I am not feeling good about all this...

What do you think?  

Posted by hidayah

Adik : Weh Kak long, camane ni??
Aku : Amendenya?
Adik: Tadi masa dalam bas ada sorang mat saleh ni duduk kat sebelah orang, dia bawak anjing besar gile warna hitam, anjing tu pulak dok gesel2 ekor dia kat seluar orang. Hidung dia pulak bau2 lutut orang. Camane ni ....
Aku: Hahaha... abis tu semua org tgk ah? owner anjing tu buat apa?
Adik: Orang ckp kat dia "I cannot touch dogs". Lepas tu dia suruh anjing dia tu ke tepi sebelah sana, then anjing tu tak gerak, stay kat situ Orang lain pulak belai2 usap kepala anjing tu.. Eeeeiiii.. huhuhu... camane ni.. nak kena samak ke?
Aku: Anjing tu kering ke basah?
Adik: Mana org tau??? Adooiiiii laaaa... nak buat macamana ni?
Aku: Kalau rasa basah, kena la samak.. gi la carik tanah kat depan tu...
Adik: Mana ada tanah? semua snow...
Aku: Korek2 le bwh snow tu, ada tanah leee...
Adik: Camane ni??? Nak tanya Abg Jalal/Abg Fazli tak?
Aku :Tanyalah... dah ko tak pasti... kalau kak dayah, samak je la.. better save than sorry...

Lepas solat jumaat...

Aku: Adik dah tanya Abg Jalal?
Adik: Dah.. dia kata ambil kira keseluruhan, ajing tu kering, so tak yah la samak. So nak samak ke tak?
Aku: Pening la kepala ... kalau nak senang, samak je la...
Adik: Adoooiii...(membebel sendirian sbb tension dgn anjing tu)

Aku tau dia tension nak carik tanah semua.. haha... so korang rasa camana?

Scholarship's update  

written by hidayah

Ok readers... I'm sure all of you would like to know how things are going with Zairi's scholarship progress.. masa mula2 aku post entry kat blog, plus consult people i know (MSD, JPA, KPT)about it, macam2 reaksi dan advice yg aku terima.. so thanks a lot pada semua input/cadangan/nasihat yang diberi.. most of the people told me that Zairi's matter can be solved, and thus he may get his BTN postponed. Few days after, he was asked to attend a course on research methodology upon accepting his scholarship. So, what he did was... he wrote a letter to postpone both BTN and the course, emailed it to the KPT people, while with daddy's help, get the letter faxed to the officer as well. Kolej dia pun dah poslaju the acceptance letter yang Zairi kena sign untuk dihantar ke KPT. Tonight he will fax it to make it official that he receives the offer..SO, the next step is to wait the KPT people to deliberate (I guess they will talk about Zairi's case in their meeting) and wait for their response. Harap2 dapatlah dipertimbangkan...


written by hidayah

Aku sebenarnya tak de mood nak post entry within these few days. Ni pun sebab rasa mcm tak best pulak kalau tak update entry. Aku sbenarnya berada dalam keadaan bercelaru, dan sedang bermacam2 benda sedang menghantui otak aku ni...

Macam yang aku tulis sebelum ni, Zairi dah pn dapat offer sambung master, under KPT (kementerian pengajian tinggi). Alhamdulillah, syukur sgt2. Bukan semua org dapat peluang mcm ni, kan... anyway, nak dijadikan cerita, kami sekeluarga dah diuji dengan dugaan dari Allah.. semua pun sedia maklum kan kalau ditaja government ni kena attend kursus BTN and mcm2 mak nenek lagi la kan... so yg memeningkan kepala kitorg is... Zairi kena pergi BTN and kursus quantitive analysis (QA) upon receiving scholarship tu. Isk.. isk... persoalannya ---

1. Camane lak dia nak attend kedua2 course tu? Dia dah ada kt sini... xkan nak balik Malaysia?Lgpun baru je sampai sini. ongkosnya lagi??

2. Boleh ke kalau dia mintak tangguh BTN and kursus QA tu supaya dibuat di tgh/hujung pengajiannya?

3. Orang kolej komuniti tu takkan tak bgtau kementerian yg Zairi dh ada kat sini? Bagi org kementrian aware skit ttg hal ni?

4. Yg paling sengal -- BTN tu start 26 hb februari ni ye.. so tak ke sesak otak kitorang nak pikir cara penyelesaian?

There ... lega skit bila dapat luahka dalam blog... Kalau sapa2 ada cadangan/penyelesaian untuk membantu meringankan beban kitorang, sila-silalah ye.... serius buntu ni weh....

Conference Call  

written by hidayah

Hari ni kira 1st time sepanjang hidup (err... ye kot) aku experience buat conference call via phone bersama-sama teammates aku untuk discuss presentation kitorang untuk hari selasa akan datang. Sebelum aku citer pasal conference call ni dgn lebih lanjut, rasanya baik aku citer serba sedikit pasal nature kelas aku yang ini dan sebab musabab kami berconference call...

Kelas CE 501 aku ni kelas bdk2 graduate full time + off-campus (budak2 PLK). So setiap sesi kelas akan dirakam dalam bentuk video streaming dan akan diupload dlm portal student. Kitorang student on campus ada dlm 8 org, off-campus pun 8 org. So tiap2 kali kelas terasa macam buat rakaman tv pulak sebab kamera penuh keliling kelas, yang akan merakamkn segala macam aktiviti sepanjang kelas. Bagi aku, canggih ah jugak sbb jgn harap kat malaysia belajar style gini. Lepas tu, kitorang pulak diberi tugasan dlm bentuk kumpulan, yang mana ahli kumpulan tu campur2, on campus dgn off-campus. So student off-campus ni bkn ada dekat2 kawasan universiti ni, maunya ada sampai state jauh2... so mana leh jumpa2 nak discuss, kan... maka medium perbincangan kumpulan sama ada guna email atau conference call je la..

So tadi 1st time la kitorang set masa dan buat conference call. Group aku ada 4 org, yg lagi 3 tu lelaki. So bila dial satu number ni then masing2 dapatlah dgr suara org lain yg participate dlm conference call tu. Yang lawaknya, dahlah line x berapa clear, aku pn tak tahu siapa yg bercakap, biji butir apa yg diorang ckp pun tak jelas.. hahaha.... aku confuse siapa yg berckap, sama ada Aaron, Erik atau Greg. Dahlah tu, kkadang ada 2 org cakap serentak, lagi aku confuse.. aku rasa mat saleh bertiga tu mesti pelik kenapa aku byk berdiam masa conference call tu sbb aku x berapa dgr apa yg dibincangkan, lepas tu semua org nak bercakap, dan aku confuse sapa yg bercakap. Hahaha... mmg lawak ah... lepas tu memasing semua tanya -- Hida? Hida? So what do you think? Aku pun -- Aaaa... Err.... Sure.... whatever (padahal tak berbutir sgt apa yg diorang cakap tu... haha)

So tulah.. aku sebenarnya tak favor sgt style conference call ni sbb payah skit nak discuss. Aku prefer team member sit together, analyze data sesama... tapi nak buat camane, org2 off-campus tu semua jauh2... tu baru 4 org, kalau ramai aku rasa mmg haru....huhuhu

Congrats, abang !!!  

written by hidayah

2 pagi yang lalu...

Zairi: Bangunlah... abg nak tunjuk something..
Aku : (Sambil terpisat-pisat) Apa dia?
Zairi: Meh la kat sini (sambil keluar bilik).. Tengok ni...
Aku : (Sambil tenyeh-tenyeh mata) Mana? Apa?
Zairi: (Sambil tunjuk skrin laptopnya) Ni ha...

Dengan mengantuknya aku kedepankan muka ke skrin sambil mengecikkan bijik mata (akukan rabun.. mana ada pkai spek time tu.. haha..). Ini yang aku lihat..

Klik sini untuk paparan yg lebih jelas

Maka aku dgn excitednya memeluk Zairi and cakap -- Congrats, abg!!! hehehe...

Alhamdulillah, Zairi akan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh JPA (under KPT) untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Masters.. kira ni official dah la.. syukur sgt2... ni kira hadiah birthday yang paling bermakna la buat dia.. hehehe...

Tiba2 dlm kepala otak aku dah berfikir -- haiiishhhh... lepas ni leh la kitorang bershopping sakan.. muahahahahaa...

Hey Hida, How's it going on?  

written by hidayah

1. In general (as in so far, throughout the semester) -- okay, i guess
2. Now, as in right this moment -- not so good

Let's see in detail --

1. Classes

I'm taking 3 classes this semester, and so far in general everything went fine, except... remember the class that I was fussing about in my previous entry? The one that demotivates me due to the grade? yeah... it's that class again, people... i suck! i suck bigtime!!! i dunno what went wrong, and obviously i got the 2nd assignment back, with grades less than before.... *grrrrrrrrrrrrr* Seriously pissed with myself right now,don't know what i got wrong for. To make things worse, my Egyptian friend, (oh.. i should write an entry about her some time, by the way her name is Ghada) she got a perfect score. AGAIN. I'm feeling sick of myself. Duh. I know some people out there will say -- OK, SO YOU SLACKED OFF THE FIRST TWO ASSIGNMENTS. BIG DEAL! Well, it is a big deal for me, and might not be for some of you out there... I wasn't like this before, you know... throughout my masters and even during my undergrad... just make me feel soooo dumb whenever I keep thinking about it.. so I'm gonna drop the subject...*grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* But I did took Ghada's paper back home so I can see where I got wrong..

2. Research
I'm currently in the process of starting doing literature review, and I'll be working on this cool project with my professor. I will only come up with a topic for my dissertation whenever I'm halfway through the lit review process. I'm feeling pretty good about it (eventhough I have a stack of articles to read), and I also discovered some good stuff to accompany my research process. I'm trying to use EndNote and Google Docs as my research tools, and help me keep organized all the time.

3. Life as a student/wife/mother
I am trying my best to allocate quality time for research work, family time, blogging time (need to allocate a good 2 hours for blog hopping and updating, since I know there are people waiting for updates :)), homework/studying time and of course, shopping (either grocery or window.. haha).. But once in a while, I need a break and just wanna enjoy life! Err.. I hope I can go and watch movies.. seriously, there are tons of good movies here, hehe... but with Fatihah around, I don't think it's possible right now.. should wait until she's big enough so that I can bring her along and don't feel bad about leaving her and go entertained myself :P

4. Fatihah
She's now in the stage where everything around her is so interesting, and wanna get hold of 'em! Hehe.. she develops quite an interest in plush toys, especially teddy bears.. (wonder where she got that from :P)..Very eager to run everywhere, and fascinated by anything that we (Zairi, Adik and I) did... very observant and will imitate whatever we did.. so "mengada-ngada" and "manja" all the time.. hehe

5. Zairi and Adik
Zairi just passed his driving theory test... now is planning on taking the driving test.. then hopefully he'll go to school this fall... and of course need to arrange a schedule so that there's always one of us to look after our precious Fatihah... As far as Adik, he's managing quite well with his studies and all... sometimes complaining that there's ton of assignments... hey, that's what students need to do, isn't it?

By the way, we went shopping last Saturday at the Mall and managed to get good bargain on jackets, shirts, jeans, pants and some other things... hehee... it's clearance sale, again... we went there by bus and had a good time :)

My US Memorabilia and collectibles  

written by hidayah

I'm typing this entry because I'm trying to keep myself awake after done reading Chapter 3: Organizational Structures and Cultures for my project management class. The topic itself sounds boring, so you can imagine the reading! :) It's an hour away before my Project Control for Machines class starts. I've been wanting to share about memorabilia and collectibles that I have and would like to continue collecting....

1. United States 50 States Quarters Mint Collection

I'm sure people who have been to the US would loooooove to get all these quarters in a special book/board designed for this purpose... I had most of them when I was an undergrad, and it displays the states and it's symbol behind the quarters (cool!)... It looks like this..

This is an example of a quarter of South Dakota State and the year it's officially produced is encripted below the coin... so imagine getting 50 states in the US of these!! I'll keep you peeps posted once I completed the collection :)

2. Pennants

I'm just crazy about these things... whenever I go, I must be in search of one of these... size does not matter... but I prefer the large ones -- so far I've pennants from all the universities that I visited, all sports club and team of the cities I visited, not to mention some places that I visited, too.. I wonder why Malaysia didn't make these things (there might be at some places, but not that much)...

3. Shot glasses

Here's another stuff that I'll buy when I'm visiting anywhere (including the airports :P)... the ones that I have collected during my undergrad days are currently displayed at my mom's house in KL... It's neat and cute... plus I'll always have the memories of the place/logo displayed on the glass in my mind whenever I'm looking at it..

So those are the main stuff that I would like to continue on collecting while I'm in the US... and I also collect postcards and collectible plates -- but this started way before I came to the US... and I'll buy them whenever I'm looking for the pennants and the shot glasses. Fridge magnets, toothpick holders, fork and spoon sets, you may ask? For the time being I guess I'll focus more on the collection that I already started... but definitely will look into starting the fridge magnet collection in the near future..

Am I being paranoid?  

written by hidayah

Yesterday night at CE 502 class..

I got back my 1st assignment this semester..
Looked at the grade..
It's above 80, less then 90...
Syukur, Alhamdulillah..
But then the professor said...
Everybody did a good job on the 1st assignment, there's A's and B's...
I peeked my Egyptian friend's paper -- she got a 100 -- perfect score..
Took a look at a guy sitting in front me -- he got 95
Didn't manage to look at other people's grade...
There's only 7 of us in the class..
Suddenly I ferl terrible, low and disgusted with myself...
I guess I did bad compared to the others (well, I just saw the grades for two of 'em)
All of the sudden I got this mental picture about me being the worst in the class..
And then so many questions came up in my mind..
Will I be able to keep up with these people?
And sometimes I do feel I know nothing at all... zero...(kinda stupid once in a while) especially when they start throwing ideas and opinion in class
And start thinking -- geez.. how smart are these people, and how "brainless" I am..
Am I pushing/judging myself too hard? Or am I being paranoid?

*Sigh* -- I know it's not good to "sigh", but seriously, I am not feeling good about all this...

What do you think?  

written by hidayah

Adik : Weh Kak long, camane ni??
Aku : Amendenya?
Adik: Tadi masa dalam bas ada sorang mat saleh ni duduk kat sebelah orang, dia bawak anjing besar gile warna hitam, anjing tu pulak dok gesel2 ekor dia kat seluar orang. Hidung dia pulak bau2 lutut orang. Camane ni ....
Aku: Hahaha... abis tu semua org tgk ah? owner anjing tu buat apa?
Adik: Orang ckp kat dia "I cannot touch dogs". Lepas tu dia suruh anjing dia tu ke tepi sebelah sana, then anjing tu tak gerak, stay kat situ Orang lain pulak belai2 usap kepala anjing tu.. Eeeeiiii.. huhuhu... camane ni.. nak kena samak ke?
Aku: Anjing tu kering ke basah?
Adik: Mana org tau??? Adooiiiii laaaa... nak buat macamana ni?
Aku: Kalau rasa basah, kena la samak.. gi la carik tanah kat depan tu...
Adik: Mana ada tanah? semua snow...
Aku: Korek2 le bwh snow tu, ada tanah leee...
Adik: Camane ni??? Nak tanya Abg Jalal/Abg Fazli tak?
Aku :Tanyalah... dah ko tak pasti... kalau kak dayah, samak je la.. better save than sorry...

Lepas solat jumaat...

Aku: Adik dah tanya Abg Jalal?
Adik: Dah.. dia kata ambil kira keseluruhan, ajing tu kering, so tak yah la samak. So nak samak ke tak?
Aku: Pening la kepala ... kalau nak senang, samak je la...
Adik: Adoooiii...(membebel sendirian sbb tension dgn anjing tu)

Aku tau dia tension nak carik tanah semua.. haha... so korang rasa camana?