Aku yang penakut!  

Posted by hidayah

I have to admit, aku memang penakut on certain things. Some of them are anything that has to do with hospital, doctors, medicine, insects, and macam2 lagilah. Lagi satu, bagi aku mata adalah anggota badan yang paling precious bagi aku -- kalau boleh aku takkan biarkan or buat apa2 pada mata aku (pakai contact lens ke, nak masukkan2 benda ke.. aku takut!) Huhu.. bukannya apa, bila melibatkan mata ni, imagination aku running wild.. mesti terfikir kalau apa2 jadi kat mata hitam aku ke, aku terjadi buta ke.. huhu.. mintak simpanglah... tu la pasal sampai mati pun aku tak nak pakai contact lens (part of it sebab penakut mengatasi segalanya, second baru sbb imagination tadi tu, tak ditambah cerita org lain pasal pakai contact lenses ni..)

So kisah semalam melibatkan mata kiri aku..tgh melipat baju tetiba je rasa mata mcm kesat, aku pun dgn gatal tangannya menenyeh mata .. tup..tup rasa mata aku pedih dan kesat.. waaa.. menyesal pulak aku menenyeh semalam.. aku terus cakap kat Zairi ada benda masuk mata.. aku terus takut.. Zairi suruh letak eye-mo lepas tu tido.. so aku pun letak la eye-mo (letak dari tepi, sebab aku penakut nak letak eye-mo dlm mata direct mcm tu.. huhu), then aku tido.. lepas tu pukul 2.30am , lepas bagi Fatihah susu, mata aku terus rasa kesat lagi.. mulalah pikir bukan2.. kalau sampai bila2 macam tu macamana.. terus aku kejut Zairi nangis2 sebab takut.. Zairi pulak dok takut2kan aku.. tensen betul.. dia kata kalau aku jumpa doktor, doktor akan pusing bola mata aku sampai mata hitam naik atas.. waaaaaaaaaa.. tak rasa ke aku makin takut and tak leh nak tido..tapi sebab mengantuk sgt terlelap la aku..

Masa bgn pagi tadi sebelum gi keje aku masih tak rasa ada perubahan kat mata aku walau dah letak eye-mo..makanya, Zairi hantar aku gi keje and beli Optrex eye lotion. Dia siap demo kat aku macamana nak pakai eye lotion tu... so sekarang ni dah 3 kali aku cuci pakai eye lotion tu walaupun sebenarnya masa nak cuci tu aku sgt takut sebab kena bukak mata kan..

Huhu...sekarang ni aku kejap rasa ok kejap rasa tak ok lak mata kiri aku ni.. Aku lak takut nak jumpa doktor.. takut dicuci sambil putar bola mata aku, tak ke naya... waaaa... huhuhu... aku makin tensen.. dahlah byk keje nak kena buat... waaaaaaa...

Aku pening!  

Posted by hidayah

Di saat ini aku rasa nak meraung je.. nasib la tak sampai tahap nak meroyan.. aku rasa mcm terlalu byk sgt benda yg aku kena buat sampai naik takut lak aku.. ntah sempat ntah tidak jee.. Aku ada masa sampai 19hb Disember ni, nak kena siapkan mcm2.. barang kat umah tak abis kemas lagi (sampai satu tahap aku rasa nak lempar je semua brg.. napelah brg aku byk sgt? hiiii...), kerja2 ofis melambak (lagi dekat masa aku nak resign HOD, lagi melambak keje nak kena settle.. waaa)..Aku sekarang ni sebab dah byk sgt benda nak kena buat, terus tak tau nak buat mana satu dulu.. aku boleh termangu jap dgn komputer sblm taip entry ni.. nak upah org dtg kemas umah, dah tentu2 org tu tak tau apa yg aku nak and apa yg aku tak nak.. uwaaarrrggghhh.. time is running.. boleh jadi bengong aku dibuatnya.. saat-saat ni rasa nak gi vacation jek... boleh tak camtu? Pening kepala pulak weh... nak carik minyak cap kapak jap.. terasa berputar pulak kepala aku.. erkk...

On the other hand, Zairi dapat interview untuk biasiswa HLP JPA pada 16 Disember 2008 kat Politeknik Shah Alam. Dia kena siapkan proposal utk interview and aku tolong2 la apa yg patut.. Harap2 dia dapatlah secure the scholarship tu.. All the best to you, abg.. :)

Nostalgia Perantauan 3: Snow..oh..snow..  

Posted by hidayah

Masa winter la masa yg paling best (walaupun winter kat Iowa tu tebal and cuaca sgtlah sejuk -- cakap keluar asap.. haha). Mana taknya, masa winter nak main snow, buat snowman, main ski/snowboarding and mcm2 lagilah.. Aku ada kisah2 lucu masa winter time nih.. sebelum aku citer dgn lebih detail, enjoy the pics -->

Aku yang tengah seronok baling snow depan apartment

Dengan budak2 Uni of Minnesota-Twin Cities masa gi ski kat sana

Aku sgt berdebar time ni -- 1st time skiing, so kena naik cable swing dulu

Bersedia sebelum ski (Dlm hati tuhan je yg tahu..hehe)

Tu dia... aksi ski dari jauh... nasib baik aku tak tergolek.. so-so ajelah for a first timer..hehe

Wokeh..ni nak menyambung cerita tadi... memandangkan snow tebal sampai 4 ke 5 inci, ada yang sekaki tebal on certain areas, aku byk kali jatuh tersembam dalam snow. Haha.. buruk betul rupanya bila jatuh tu.. Dahlah pakai baju 2 lapis, winter coat lagi, muffler lilit keliling leher, bawak backpack, punya la nak meredah snow, dalam nak angkat kaki, terus ter.. dussshhhh... ha.. ambik, tertiarap atas snow.. dah tu org keliling sumer tgk.. malunya tuhan je yg tau.. tapi aku ni kalau sendiri jatuh still boleh gelak2 lagi, padahal mat2 saleh yg ada tu dah kerumun aku siap tanya, " Are u okay?", " Do u need any help?" Punya la concern.. hehe..

Kisah lagi satu, pasal terjatuh jugak, tapi ni time bila snow nak mencair. Snow ni bila dlm proses nak cair mmg licin giler. So kena la hati2 kalau terpijak, takut tergelincir, lepas tu tertangkup atas lantai. Aku dah kena dah mcm tu... haha.. masa tu depan library kat bus stop jugak (mesti berlaku depan org ramai.. hiii.. tensen aku!!). Aku terpijak ais licin, aku tergelincir and landing baeekkk punya sambil terlentang. Masa tu nak dijadikan cerita, satu bas baru je berhenti situ, semua orang yg ada dlm bas and keliling kawasan tu pandang aku. Aku boleh pulak time tu tahan sakit sambil ketawa. Mcm biasa ah, mesti ada org yg dtg tolong aku bangun.. hehe

Haiiiihhh....Macam2 kisah.. hopefully lepas ni tak de la jatuh2 lagi :P

Campanile (Central Iowa State Campus) during winter

Buat sahabat sekalian..  

Posted by hidayah

Persahabatan itu merupakan satu anugerah
Membuat kita tertawa, menangis, memberi, menerima
Dan yang paling penting
Membuat kita saling menghargai

Aku bersyukur pada hadrat Illahi
Diketemukan dengan kalian
Pelbagai ragam dapat kupelajari
Menjadi panduan di kemudian hari
Yang baik dijadikan teladan
Yang buruk dijadikan pengajaran
Itulah lumrah kehidupan
Warna-warni persahabatan

Selagi aku bernafas di muka bumi Allah
Selagi hayat dikandung badan
Perhubungan ini tidak mungkin menemui noktahnya
Tidak akan kubenarkan
Melainkan maut menjemputku
Kerna aku seorang pemburu

Aku hanyalah insan biasa
Meskipun berusaha sedalam lautan
Setinggi langit, seluas alam semesta
Tidak bisa menolak suratanNya
Apatah lagi menyesali takdir
Hanya berserah pada Yang Maha Esa
Kerna itulah yang telah dicoretkan
Sejak azali

Errr.. Hope this does not happen to me *fingers crossed*  

Posted by hidayah

The Iowa State University Alumni Dinner  

Posted by hidayah

Date: 12th November 2008
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Palace of the Golden Horses (POTGH)

This dinner organized by the Iowa State University Malaysian Alumni Association (ISUMAA) is the first dinner ever held in Malaysia, in conjuction with the visit of ISU President, Gregory Geoffrey to Malaysia. ISU has been established way way back during 1858 and now celebrates its 150 years. It was a pleasure for me to meet all the alumni, and the dinner bring back memories to all of us, reminiscing our student life at ISU.

All in all, we had a great night, and I got the opportunity to establish network with the Alumni, and half of the alumni are people with great positions and big shots, too! Terasa diri ini kerdil sangat2.. some of the Alumni of ISU that I met and got the chance to chitchat -->

- A guy who designs proton cars (forgot his name)
- The owner of Johnny's Restaurants and Black Canyon Restaurants
- Owner of Tomei Jewellery Outlets
and many more from the government and private sectors

The opening act -- A dance form KLPac team entitled "Asmaradana"

Close up pictures of the table tent

Me with Ann Gogerty, my dear friend from the International Admission of ISU

Daddy with Mr Johnny, the owner of Johnny's Restaurants and Black Canyon Restaurants

At the backdrop

All the AMSISU (Association of Malaysian Students at ISU) ex-presidents

And ohh.. never thought that we went to the same university :)) --
and he was the Emcee for the night, too

Hehe.. I chatted with Halim for a while without forgotting to mention his fave line
" Itu dia yang kita cari..."

I had these yummy deserts

Together with some salad and cold cuts

The main course -- Sesame chicken with black sauce, succulent prawns,
noodle, fish fillets in white sauce and tofu

The Banner

The mascot of ISU -- Go Cyclones!!

I got the chance to talked to the President himself that I will be coming back to ISU next year, and he welcomed me warmheartedly. Watch out Iowa Staters, this loyal Cyclone is coming back and you can't get rid of me! :)))

Fatihah and her fever  

Posted by hidayah

Finally,my dear Fatihah is sleeping soundly in the next room. It has been days since she was able to do so. Kesian sangat kat dia, badan dia panas within the last few days. It all started last Sunday, where Zairi and I thought it was just a regular fever. Nevertheless, we still brought her to see Dr Ang, her paedritician and we were assured that she'll be fine in a couple of days or so.

Then, comes Tuesday. We went back to daddy's house after work since I have a dinner to attend on Wednesday night. Later after the dinner, I sensed that she got the fever again, but this time her small body was searing hot. I panicked. Luckily I was with mama and daddy, and they told me to sponge-bath Fatihah until the temperature dropped.

As for the next day, her body temperature rose in the evening and I immediately brought her to meet a paedritician. I noticed small pink dots scattered on her body just before and suspected that she might have measles. Anyway, I want to confirm my suspicions and the paedritician said that it was not measles. IT WAS RUBELLA. The paed assured me that there's nothing to worry about since Fatihah already got her MMR vaccination 2 weeks ago. She also said that the pinkish dots will dissapear within few days, latest in 2 weeks.

I googled rubella symptom among infants and found some facts about it:

How do people get rubella?
People get rubella by breathing in droplets that get into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Rubella can also spread by direct contact with fluids from the nose or throat of an infected person.

What are the signs and symptoms of rubella?
Most cases of rubella are mild. About half of people infected with rubella virus get a rash that looks like small, fine pink spots. The rash first appears on the face and progresses from head to foot, lasting about 3 days. Children usually develop few or no other symptoms. Adults can have mild fever, headache, reddened eyes, swollen glands behind the ears, tiredness, and joint pain.
An infected person can spread the disease for as many as 5 days before the rash appears to 7 days after. Infectious children should not attend school or day care.

How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?
In most cases, symptoms appear within 16 to 18 days.

So now, I am relieved to see that Fatihah is getting better by the day. Hati ibu mana yang tak risau bila anak sakit, kan.. Syukur sebab mama and daddy was there to give advice. Kalau tak, mahu pusing kepala aku and Zairi memikirkan pasal Fatihah..

Nak dijadikan cerita, I was asked to present the proposal for the new diploma program at KPTM KL this coming weekend when I planned on getting back to Kuantan on Thursday. Since Zairi have to work on Friday and I got the MC from the paedritician, I will be flying back to Kuantan with Fatihah on Sunday evening after the presentation session at KPTM KL ends.

Dear brother : All the best!!  

Posted by hidayah

Dear Apit,
All the best in SPM 2008 ! Now is the final stage, and I'm sure you're nervous. I believe that you can achieve your goals. Oh yeah, about the reward, when you get that 10A1, then we can talk about it :))

Al kisah...aktiviti masa sekolah  

Posted by hidayah

Semalam waktu on the way balik ke rumah, aku tiba2 teringat pasal kegiatan2 aku masa zaman sekolah rendah dan menengah yang sekarang ni aku rasakan memang 'bengong' ah. Lawak pun ada gak la bila fikir2kan balik. Aku pun tanya la Zairi..

Aku : Abg ada tak buat menda2 'bengong' masa kat sekolah dulu?
Zairi: Tak de.. abg budak baik la masa kat sekolah dulu..
Aku : Ceh! Konon baik la tu.. ni nak cerita pasal aktiviti masa ayg sekolah dulu..
Zairi: Ha.. apa dia? Ada2 je cerita dia ni..
Aku : (Tetiba je ketawa padahal tak start cerita lagi.. sebab aku rasa bengong betul buat benda2 tu dulu)
Zairi: La.. kata nak cerita.. ni apasal gelak sakan pulak ni?
Aku: Ni la ceritanya --> (Aku reword balik ah ayat aku utk memudahkan korang baca)

Masa sekolah rendah dulu, aku suka sangat baca buku Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Enid Blyton and Alfred Hitchcock. Memang minat abis la.. then ada la budak2 kat sekolah aku tu cakap yang sekolah tu dulu tapak hospital masa zaman Jepun. Aku pun tak tau betul ke tak story tu.. masa tu serius aku n the gang percaya.. pulak tu kat padang sekolah ada la macam penutup manhole tu.. tapi atas dia ada rumput2 .. bila nak bukak memang tak boleh.. macam stuck aje. Aku and the gang ni pun ada dengar kisah yang bawah tu ada mayat2 tentera jepun.. hospital jepun dulu ada simpan mayat kat bawah.. (sgt merepek je aku rasa sekarang ni) hahaha.. makanya, aku and the gang pun menubuhkan pasukan penyiasat (bengong tak bengongnya kitorang waktu tu.. ala.. budak2 lagi..). Memang nak menyiasat la betul ke tak misteri pasal hospital jepun ni.. kami siap ada password nak pegi 'port' kitorang -- kat tepi rumah pengakap supaya org luar tak leh join. Lepas tu pulak tiap2 tengahari (aku sekolah petang masa tu) mesti nak datang sekolah awal sebab ada mesyuarat nak bincang strategi nak buka penutup kat padang tu.. siap nak dtg masa weekend nak siasat lagi tu.. huhuhu... lepas tu ntah camane cikgu dapat tahu, kitorang kena la marah sebab nak bukak benda tu punya la umpil pakai macam2 alat.. so siasatan tu berakhir sampai kat situ..

Tapi kitorang tak putus asa.. kat hujung padang sekolah tu pulak ada semak samun, then ada sungai. Orang cakap kat situ kawasan penagih dadah. Ha.. apalagi, kitorang pun bukak kes baru nak siasat pasal penagih la pulak dah.. Ada budak geng kitorang jumpa jarum masa kelas PJ kat padang. So kengkonon nak buat bahan bukti la tu.. hahaha.. baru je nak gi menyiasat, ada pulak budak2 lain bagitau ada perempuan tua kat semak2 tu.. lagi la kitorang berkobar nak menyiasat..nak dijadikan cerita, hujung minggu tu pihak sekolah buat gotong royong, diorang tebas semak belakang tu.. padahal kitorang baru je nak start mission.. last2 dah clear.. terus nampak sungai.. tergendala lagi kes tu...haha

Masuk sekolah menegah, aku ni tak putus asa la nak siasat itu ini.. masa form 1, ada sorang budak kelas aku ni selalu tinggalkan nota kat bangsal basikal and depan nota tu ada perkataan KGAT. Aku n the gang tak tau pun apa benda tu, cuma musykil sebab dia sorok kat bangsal, dan ada org tertentu yg akan amik.. budak tingkatan lain.. so apalagi.. aku and the gang yg dah lama tak menyiasat pun skodeng gerak geri budak kelas aku ni. Kitorang siap reka kod kalau nak communicate dengan geng2, takut geng KGAT tau. Hahaha... lepas tu pulak, siap ada tempat2 tertentu kitorang tinggal clue utk geng lain followup semata2 nak menyiasat KGAT ni. LAst2 budak kelas aku tu cakap dia saje je main2 dengan member dai budak tingkatan lain konon2 macam best ahh tinggal kertas kat bangsal basikal and tukar2 nota. Ye ye la kitorang ni siasat.. huhu...

So tu la kisah 'bengong' aku kat sekolah dulu.. suka betul menyiasat tapi tak de mende pun.. Lawak la bila teringat balik betapa determine nye kitorang time tu.. bila dah besar ni, rasa ntah apa2 je la aktiviti aku masa sekolah2 dulu... dibayangi fantasi sebab asyik baca buku menyiasat.. hahaha..

Corat coret di hujung minggu  

Posted by hidayah

Ada orang tanya aku tadi --> So dah siap2 ke nak berangkat? Dah settle2 dah ke semua urusan?

Huhu.. I wish everything is taken are of.. tapi weekend baru2 ni aku memang sangat letih. Sepagi hari Sabtu tu, aku hantar Fatihah gi nursery, Zairi pun ke kelas wiringnya, baru la aku start operasi mengemas barang2 and perabot. Pening kepala wehh.. rumah tak usah cakap le.. dah macam tongkang pecah. Budak2 bujang pulak nak datang ambil barang malam tu. Ruang tamu kat rumah aku dah pun kosong. Macam orang baru pindah aje. Haha.

Aku tak lama lagi gantung kuali la jawabnya.. Mana taknya, peti sejuk orang dah ambil dah. Kabinet dapur pun dalam proses nak diambil orang. So macamana aku tak gantung kuali? Tapi aku bosan pulak asyik nak membeli makanan aje. Bukan sedap pun kalau selalu beli2 ni. So agak2 apa aku nak makan ek? Nasib baik la Zairi tak cerewet makan.. roti pun jadi.. tapi yelah.. takkan tiap2 hari nak makan roti? Ntahlah.. pening nak pikir.. sampai masa nak makan, baru pikir, boleh ??

So, ni nak masuk final stage dah ni. Rumah dalam proses nak mengosongkan, tiket flight dalam proses nak tempah. Iowa State punya matters pun dah settle. So I'm good. Cuma nak mempersiapkan mind and soul untuk phd je yg belum lagi. Huhuhu.

So, Rabu malam ni (12/11/2008) aku akan attend dinner kat Palace of the Golden Horses anjuran Iowa State University Alumni Association (ISUMAA) sempen kedatangan Presiden ISU - Gregory Geoffrey ke Malaysia. Aku akan attend dinner tu dengan daddy, since kitorang berdua memang alumni Iowa State. Lagipun aku nak kembali ke sana, kan.. boleh la jumpa kawan2 lama and exchange stories.. I'm so looking forward to it..

Semalam jugak my dear Fatihah got a fever.. then kitorang bawak dia gi klinik.. kesian dia, malam tak berapa lena nak tidur.. then nak melekap aje.. nasib baik pagi tadi dah ok sikit.. kalau tak dah tentu aku EL hari ni coz nak jaga dia.

So malam ni aku kena kuatkan semangat sambung sorting barang - yang mana nak buang, yang mana nak simpan. Can't wait for the packing and sorting to end. Bestnya la kalau boleh ke spa and manjakan diri.. i wish...

Tag.. Again!  

Posted by hidayah

Just found out that I have a tag that need to be completed -->

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.

Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names,then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment,letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time : 9.35 am

Name : Nurhidayah

Sisters : 0

Brothers : 3

Shoe size : 7, sumtimes 8

Height : 157cm (i think so)

Where do you live : Kuantan

Have you ever been on a plane : Yes

Swam in the ocean : Nope, just bathing

Fallen asleep at school : Haha.. so many times... from high scholl until uni.. buruk perangai..

Broken someone’s heart : I hope not..

Fell off your chair : Yup

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yeah

Saved e-mails : Yes

What is your room like : OK - presentable

What’s right beside you: Nobody - I'm in my office

What is the last thing you ate : Nasi Lemak Ayam

Chicken pox : When I was in primary school - standard 2, i think

Sore throat : Yup, Can't keep track the number of times I got sore throat

Stitches : After giving birth

Broken nose : Nope

Do you Believe in love at first sight : Definitely

Like picnics : Love it so much

Who was/were…The last person you danced with : Can't remember.. it was during primary school

Last made you smile : Playing with Fatihah this morning

You last yelled at : My students .. didn't come to my class giving lousy excuses

Today did you…Talk to someone you like : Yup.. My hubby

Kissed anyone : Hubby and daughter

Get sick : No

Talk to an ex : No??

Miss someone : My family

Who do you really hate: Nobody in particular

Do you like your hand-writing : Nope

Are your toe nails painted : Nope

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Beds at showrooms

What color shirt are you wearing now : I'm wearing a yellow-chocolate baju kurung

Are you a friendly person : I was told that I am

Do you have any pets : No

Do you sleep with the TV on : Sometimes..

What are you doing right now : Answering this tag

Can you handle the truth : I'll try my best

Are you closer to your mother or father : Both

Do you eat healthy : Nope.. going in that direction

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Nope

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Hubby

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Loud

Are you confident : Yes

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

- A Student at UiTM Shah Alam
- Having the time of my life - enjoy my life as a student
- Hang out with friends
- Shopping, jalan2, makan2..
- Study.. huhu

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- Bayar hutang me + family
- Sedekah
- Gi Haji dgn famili
- Travel around the world dgn famili gak
- Beli aset

5 of my bad habits:
- Procrastinate
- Lambat solat
- Cerewet on certain things
- Kalau nak beli barang, survey berjam2 lamanya sbb nak carik price paling2 rendah among all the shops
- Kalau ada problem mesti asyik berfikir pasal problem tu sampai sakit kepala

5 places I’ve lived/living:
- Desa Jaya, Kepong
- Bdr Sri Damansara, KL
- Shah Alam
- Kuantan
- Ames, Iowa (Thn depan duduk sana lagi)

5 people I tag: I'm not tagging anyone.. malas..

PhD updates and more  

Posted by hidayah

It's been awhile since I wrote the last entry, well..it's been a hectic week for me, with all the preparations for my PhD and such.. Memang la dugaan betul nak gi belajar ni.. macam2 benda nak kena settle, nak uruskan rumah and barang2 lagi.. boleh jadi gila dibuatnya. Aku pulak cukup menyampah bila nak packing2 barang ni.. heeeeeee.. rasa nak upah professional mover je buat semua tu... huhu..

Sekarang dah bulan 11. Aku dah senak perut fikir lagi 2 bulan aku nak fly. Barang2 kat rumah tu nak kena packing dah.. waaaa... rasa macam tak cukup masa je... last Saturday baru start kemas2 baju.. barulah perasan.. apasal la banyak sangat baju aku tu.. tak masuk lagi baju Zairi... tu baru baju, belum buku2 and barang lain lagi...

Visa aku dah settle. Now visa Zairi and Fatihah pulak on hold sebab kena ada I-20 form dari Iowa State. Huhuhu.. memang US ni strict betul.. now tengah tunggu I-20 dari ISU untuk dependents, baru la visa diorang settle.. **Waa.. gatal kepala aku wehhh** Tak pe, macam2 dugaan nak gi belajar ni.. so aku punya last day bekerja is 19th December 2008 (Friday). Lepas tu balik KL nak siap2 apa yang patut. Serious senak perut bila fikir pasal preparation ni.. Harap tuhan dapat memudahkan segala urusan kami.. Amin...

Aku yang penakut!  

written by hidayah

I have to admit, aku memang penakut on certain things. Some of them are anything that has to do with hospital, doctors, medicine, insects, and macam2 lagilah. Lagi satu, bagi aku mata adalah anggota badan yang paling precious bagi aku -- kalau boleh aku takkan biarkan or buat apa2 pada mata aku (pakai contact lens ke, nak masukkan2 benda ke.. aku takut!) Huhu.. bukannya apa, bila melibatkan mata ni, imagination aku running wild.. mesti terfikir kalau apa2 jadi kat mata hitam aku ke, aku terjadi buta ke.. huhu.. mintak simpanglah... tu la pasal sampai mati pun aku tak nak pakai contact lens (part of it sebab penakut mengatasi segalanya, second baru sbb imagination tadi tu, tak ditambah cerita org lain pasal pakai contact lenses ni..)

So kisah semalam melibatkan mata kiri aku..tgh melipat baju tetiba je rasa mata mcm kesat, aku pun dgn gatal tangannya menenyeh mata .. tup..tup rasa mata aku pedih dan kesat.. waaa.. menyesal pulak aku menenyeh semalam.. aku terus cakap kat Zairi ada benda masuk mata.. aku terus takut.. Zairi suruh letak eye-mo lepas tu tido.. so aku pun letak la eye-mo (letak dari tepi, sebab aku penakut nak letak eye-mo dlm mata direct mcm tu.. huhu), then aku tido.. lepas tu pukul 2.30am , lepas bagi Fatihah susu, mata aku terus rasa kesat lagi.. mulalah pikir bukan2.. kalau sampai bila2 macam tu macamana.. terus aku kejut Zairi nangis2 sebab takut.. Zairi pulak dok takut2kan aku.. tensen betul.. dia kata kalau aku jumpa doktor, doktor akan pusing bola mata aku sampai mata hitam naik atas.. waaaaaaaaaa.. tak rasa ke aku makin takut and tak leh nak tido..tapi sebab mengantuk sgt terlelap la aku..

Masa bgn pagi tadi sebelum gi keje aku masih tak rasa ada perubahan kat mata aku walau dah letak eye-mo..makanya, Zairi hantar aku gi keje and beli Optrex eye lotion. Dia siap demo kat aku macamana nak pakai eye lotion tu... so sekarang ni dah 3 kali aku cuci pakai eye lotion tu walaupun sebenarnya masa nak cuci tu aku sgt takut sebab kena bukak mata kan..

Huhu...sekarang ni aku kejap rasa ok kejap rasa tak ok lak mata kiri aku ni.. Aku lak takut nak jumpa doktor.. takut dicuci sambil putar bola mata aku, tak ke naya... waaaa... huhuhu... aku makin tensen.. dahlah byk keje nak kena buat... waaaaaaa...

Aku pening!  

written by hidayah

Di saat ini aku rasa nak meraung je.. nasib la tak sampai tahap nak meroyan.. aku rasa mcm terlalu byk sgt benda yg aku kena buat sampai naik takut lak aku.. ntah sempat ntah tidak jee.. Aku ada masa sampai 19hb Disember ni, nak kena siapkan mcm2.. barang kat umah tak abis kemas lagi (sampai satu tahap aku rasa nak lempar je semua brg.. napelah brg aku byk sgt? hiiii...), kerja2 ofis melambak (lagi dekat masa aku nak resign HOD, lagi melambak keje nak kena settle.. waaa)..Aku sekarang ni sebab dah byk sgt benda nak kena buat, terus tak tau nak buat mana satu dulu.. aku boleh termangu jap dgn komputer sblm taip entry ni.. nak upah org dtg kemas umah, dah tentu2 org tu tak tau apa yg aku nak and apa yg aku tak nak.. uwaaarrrggghhh.. time is running.. boleh jadi bengong aku dibuatnya.. saat-saat ni rasa nak gi vacation jek... boleh tak camtu? Pening kepala pulak weh... nak carik minyak cap kapak jap.. terasa berputar pulak kepala aku.. erkk...

On the other hand, Zairi dapat interview untuk biasiswa HLP JPA pada 16 Disember 2008 kat Politeknik Shah Alam. Dia kena siapkan proposal utk interview and aku tolong2 la apa yg patut.. Harap2 dia dapatlah secure the scholarship tu.. All the best to you, abg.. :)

Nostalgia Perantauan 3: Snow..oh..snow..  

written by hidayah

Masa winter la masa yg paling best (walaupun winter kat Iowa tu tebal and cuaca sgtlah sejuk -- cakap keluar asap.. haha). Mana taknya, masa winter nak main snow, buat snowman, main ski/snowboarding and mcm2 lagilah.. Aku ada kisah2 lucu masa winter time nih.. sebelum aku citer dgn lebih detail, enjoy the pics -->

Aku yang tengah seronok baling snow depan apartment

Dengan budak2 Uni of Minnesota-Twin Cities masa gi ski kat sana

Aku sgt berdebar time ni -- 1st time skiing, so kena naik cable swing dulu

Bersedia sebelum ski (Dlm hati tuhan je yg tahu..hehe)

Tu dia... aksi ski dari jauh... nasib baik aku tak tergolek.. so-so ajelah for a first timer..hehe

Wokeh..ni nak menyambung cerita tadi... memandangkan snow tebal sampai 4 ke 5 inci, ada yang sekaki tebal on certain areas, aku byk kali jatuh tersembam dalam snow. Haha.. buruk betul rupanya bila jatuh tu.. Dahlah pakai baju 2 lapis, winter coat lagi, muffler lilit keliling leher, bawak backpack, punya la nak meredah snow, dalam nak angkat kaki, terus ter.. dussshhhh... ha.. ambik, tertiarap atas snow.. dah tu org keliling sumer tgk.. malunya tuhan je yg tau.. tapi aku ni kalau sendiri jatuh still boleh gelak2 lagi, padahal mat2 saleh yg ada tu dah kerumun aku siap tanya, " Are u okay?", " Do u need any help?" Punya la concern.. hehe..

Kisah lagi satu, pasal terjatuh jugak, tapi ni time bila snow nak mencair. Snow ni bila dlm proses nak cair mmg licin giler. So kena la hati2 kalau terpijak, takut tergelincir, lepas tu tertangkup atas lantai. Aku dah kena dah mcm tu... haha.. masa tu depan library kat bus stop jugak (mesti berlaku depan org ramai.. hiii.. tensen aku!!). Aku terpijak ais licin, aku tergelincir and landing baeekkk punya sambil terlentang. Masa tu nak dijadikan cerita, satu bas baru je berhenti situ, semua orang yg ada dlm bas and keliling kawasan tu pandang aku. Aku boleh pulak time tu tahan sakit sambil ketawa. Mcm biasa ah, mesti ada org yg dtg tolong aku bangun.. hehe

Haiiiihhh....Macam2 kisah.. hopefully lepas ni tak de la jatuh2 lagi :P

Campanile (Central Iowa State Campus) during winter

Buat sahabat sekalian..  

written by hidayah

Persahabatan itu merupakan satu anugerah
Membuat kita tertawa, menangis, memberi, menerima
Dan yang paling penting
Membuat kita saling menghargai

Aku bersyukur pada hadrat Illahi
Diketemukan dengan kalian
Pelbagai ragam dapat kupelajari
Menjadi panduan di kemudian hari
Yang baik dijadikan teladan
Yang buruk dijadikan pengajaran
Itulah lumrah kehidupan
Warna-warni persahabatan

Selagi aku bernafas di muka bumi Allah
Selagi hayat dikandung badan
Perhubungan ini tidak mungkin menemui noktahnya
Tidak akan kubenarkan
Melainkan maut menjemputku
Kerna aku seorang pemburu

Aku hanyalah insan biasa
Meskipun berusaha sedalam lautan
Setinggi langit, seluas alam semesta
Tidak bisa menolak suratanNya
Apatah lagi menyesali takdir
Hanya berserah pada Yang Maha Esa
Kerna itulah yang telah dicoretkan
Sejak azali

Errr.. Hope this does not happen to me *fingers crossed*  

written by hidayah

The Iowa State University Alumni Dinner  

written by hidayah

Date: 12th November 2008
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Palace of the Golden Horses (POTGH)

This dinner organized by the Iowa State University Malaysian Alumni Association (ISUMAA) is the first dinner ever held in Malaysia, in conjuction with the visit of ISU President, Gregory Geoffrey to Malaysia. ISU has been established way way back during 1858 and now celebrates its 150 years. It was a pleasure for me to meet all the alumni, and the dinner bring back memories to all of us, reminiscing our student life at ISU.

All in all, we had a great night, and I got the opportunity to establish network with the Alumni, and half of the alumni are people with great positions and big shots, too! Terasa diri ini kerdil sangat2.. some of the Alumni of ISU that I met and got the chance to chitchat -->

- A guy who designs proton cars (forgot his name)
- The owner of Johnny's Restaurants and Black Canyon Restaurants
- Owner of Tomei Jewellery Outlets
and many more from the government and private sectors

The opening act -- A dance form KLPac team entitled "Asmaradana"

Close up pictures of the table tent

Me with Ann Gogerty, my dear friend from the International Admission of ISU

Daddy with Mr Johnny, the owner of Johnny's Restaurants and Black Canyon Restaurants

At the backdrop

All the AMSISU (Association of Malaysian Students at ISU) ex-presidents

And ohh.. never thought that we went to the same university :)) --
and he was the Emcee for the night, too

Hehe.. I chatted with Halim for a while without forgotting to mention his fave line
" Itu dia yang kita cari..."

I had these yummy deserts

Together with some salad and cold cuts

The main course -- Sesame chicken with black sauce, succulent prawns,
noodle, fish fillets in white sauce and tofu

The Banner

The mascot of ISU -- Go Cyclones!!

I got the chance to talked to the President himself that I will be coming back to ISU next year, and he welcomed me warmheartedly. Watch out Iowa Staters, this loyal Cyclone is coming back and you can't get rid of me! :)))

Fatihah and her fever  

written by hidayah

Finally,my dear Fatihah is sleeping soundly in the next room. It has been days since she was able to do so. Kesian sangat kat dia, badan dia panas within the last few days. It all started last Sunday, where Zairi and I thought it was just a regular fever. Nevertheless, we still brought her to see Dr Ang, her paedritician and we were assured that she'll be fine in a couple of days or so.

Then, comes Tuesday. We went back to daddy's house after work since I have a dinner to attend on Wednesday night. Later after the dinner, I sensed that she got the fever again, but this time her small body was searing hot. I panicked. Luckily I was with mama and daddy, and they told me to sponge-bath Fatihah until the temperature dropped.

As for the next day, her body temperature rose in the evening and I immediately brought her to meet a paedritician. I noticed small pink dots scattered on her body just before and suspected that she might have measles. Anyway, I want to confirm my suspicions and the paedritician said that it was not measles. IT WAS RUBELLA. The paed assured me that there's nothing to worry about since Fatihah already got her MMR vaccination 2 weeks ago. She also said that the pinkish dots will dissapear within few days, latest in 2 weeks.

I googled rubella symptom among infants and found some facts about it:

How do people get rubella?
People get rubella by breathing in droplets that get into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Rubella can also spread by direct contact with fluids from the nose or throat of an infected person.

What are the signs and symptoms of rubella?
Most cases of rubella are mild. About half of people infected with rubella virus get a rash that looks like small, fine pink spots. The rash first appears on the face and progresses from head to foot, lasting about 3 days. Children usually develop few or no other symptoms. Adults can have mild fever, headache, reddened eyes, swollen glands behind the ears, tiredness, and joint pain.
An infected person can spread the disease for as many as 5 days before the rash appears to 7 days after. Infectious children should not attend school or day care.

How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?
In most cases, symptoms appear within 16 to 18 days.

So now, I am relieved to see that Fatihah is getting better by the day. Hati ibu mana yang tak risau bila anak sakit, kan.. Syukur sebab mama and daddy was there to give advice. Kalau tak, mahu pusing kepala aku and Zairi memikirkan pasal Fatihah..

Nak dijadikan cerita, I was asked to present the proposal for the new diploma program at KPTM KL this coming weekend when I planned on getting back to Kuantan on Thursday. Since Zairi have to work on Friday and I got the MC from the paedritician, I will be flying back to Kuantan with Fatihah on Sunday evening after the presentation session at KPTM KL ends.

Dear brother : All the best!!  

written by hidayah

Dear Apit,
All the best in SPM 2008 ! Now is the final stage, and I'm sure you're nervous. I believe that you can achieve your goals. Oh yeah, about the reward, when you get that 10A1, then we can talk about it :))

Al kisah...aktiviti masa sekolah  

written by hidayah

Semalam waktu on the way balik ke rumah, aku tiba2 teringat pasal kegiatan2 aku masa zaman sekolah rendah dan menengah yang sekarang ni aku rasakan memang 'bengong' ah. Lawak pun ada gak la bila fikir2kan balik. Aku pun tanya la Zairi..

Aku : Abg ada tak buat menda2 'bengong' masa kat sekolah dulu?
Zairi: Tak de.. abg budak baik la masa kat sekolah dulu..
Aku : Ceh! Konon baik la tu.. ni nak cerita pasal aktiviti masa ayg sekolah dulu..
Zairi: Ha.. apa dia? Ada2 je cerita dia ni..
Aku : (Tetiba je ketawa padahal tak start cerita lagi.. sebab aku rasa bengong betul buat benda2 tu dulu)
Zairi: La.. kata nak cerita.. ni apasal gelak sakan pulak ni?
Aku: Ni la ceritanya --> (Aku reword balik ah ayat aku utk memudahkan korang baca)

Masa sekolah rendah dulu, aku suka sangat baca buku Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Enid Blyton and Alfred Hitchcock. Memang minat abis la.. then ada la budak2 kat sekolah aku tu cakap yang sekolah tu dulu tapak hospital masa zaman Jepun. Aku pun tak tau betul ke tak story tu.. masa tu serius aku n the gang percaya.. pulak tu kat padang sekolah ada la macam penutup manhole tu.. tapi atas dia ada rumput2 .. bila nak bukak memang tak boleh.. macam stuck aje. Aku and the gang ni pun ada dengar kisah yang bawah tu ada mayat2 tentera jepun.. hospital jepun dulu ada simpan mayat kat bawah.. (sgt merepek je aku rasa sekarang ni) hahaha.. makanya, aku and the gang pun menubuhkan pasukan penyiasat (bengong tak bengongnya kitorang waktu tu.. ala.. budak2 lagi..). Memang nak menyiasat la betul ke tak misteri pasal hospital jepun ni.. kami siap ada password nak pegi 'port' kitorang -- kat tepi rumah pengakap supaya org luar tak leh join. Lepas tu pulak tiap2 tengahari (aku sekolah petang masa tu) mesti nak datang sekolah awal sebab ada mesyuarat nak bincang strategi nak buka penutup kat padang tu.. siap nak dtg masa weekend nak siasat lagi tu.. huhuhu... lepas tu ntah camane cikgu dapat tahu, kitorang kena la marah sebab nak bukak benda tu punya la umpil pakai macam2 alat.. so siasatan tu berakhir sampai kat situ..

Tapi kitorang tak putus asa.. kat hujung padang sekolah tu pulak ada semak samun, then ada sungai. Orang cakap kat situ kawasan penagih dadah. Ha.. apalagi, kitorang pun bukak kes baru nak siasat pasal penagih la pulak dah.. Ada budak geng kitorang jumpa jarum masa kelas PJ kat padang. So kengkonon nak buat bahan bukti la tu.. hahaha.. baru je nak gi menyiasat, ada pulak budak2 lain bagitau ada perempuan tua kat semak2 tu.. lagi la kitorang berkobar nak menyiasat..nak dijadikan cerita, hujung minggu tu pihak sekolah buat gotong royong, diorang tebas semak belakang tu.. padahal kitorang baru je nak start mission.. last2 dah clear.. terus nampak sungai.. tergendala lagi kes tu...haha

Masuk sekolah menegah, aku ni tak putus asa la nak siasat itu ini.. masa form 1, ada sorang budak kelas aku ni selalu tinggalkan nota kat bangsal basikal and depan nota tu ada perkataan KGAT. Aku n the gang tak tau pun apa benda tu, cuma musykil sebab dia sorok kat bangsal, dan ada org tertentu yg akan amik.. budak tingkatan lain.. so apalagi.. aku and the gang yg dah lama tak menyiasat pun skodeng gerak geri budak kelas aku ni. Kitorang siap reka kod kalau nak communicate dengan geng2, takut geng KGAT tau. Hahaha... lepas tu pulak, siap ada tempat2 tertentu kitorang tinggal clue utk geng lain followup semata2 nak menyiasat KGAT ni. LAst2 budak kelas aku tu cakap dia saje je main2 dengan member dai budak tingkatan lain konon2 macam best ahh tinggal kertas kat bangsal basikal and tukar2 nota. Ye ye la kitorang ni siasat.. huhu...

So tu la kisah 'bengong' aku kat sekolah dulu.. suka betul menyiasat tapi tak de mende pun.. Lawak la bila teringat balik betapa determine nye kitorang time tu.. bila dah besar ni, rasa ntah apa2 je la aktiviti aku masa sekolah2 dulu... dibayangi fantasi sebab asyik baca buku menyiasat.. hahaha..

Corat coret di hujung minggu  

written by hidayah

Ada orang tanya aku tadi --> So dah siap2 ke nak berangkat? Dah settle2 dah ke semua urusan?

Huhu.. I wish everything is taken are of.. tapi weekend baru2 ni aku memang sangat letih. Sepagi hari Sabtu tu, aku hantar Fatihah gi nursery, Zairi pun ke kelas wiringnya, baru la aku start operasi mengemas barang2 and perabot. Pening kepala wehh.. rumah tak usah cakap le.. dah macam tongkang pecah. Budak2 bujang pulak nak datang ambil barang malam tu. Ruang tamu kat rumah aku dah pun kosong. Macam orang baru pindah aje. Haha.

Aku tak lama lagi gantung kuali la jawabnya.. Mana taknya, peti sejuk orang dah ambil dah. Kabinet dapur pun dalam proses nak diambil orang. So macamana aku tak gantung kuali? Tapi aku bosan pulak asyik nak membeli makanan aje. Bukan sedap pun kalau selalu beli2 ni. So agak2 apa aku nak makan ek? Nasib baik la Zairi tak cerewet makan.. roti pun jadi.. tapi yelah.. takkan tiap2 hari nak makan roti? Ntahlah.. pening nak pikir.. sampai masa nak makan, baru pikir, boleh ??

So, ni nak masuk final stage dah ni. Rumah dalam proses nak mengosongkan, tiket flight dalam proses nak tempah. Iowa State punya matters pun dah settle. So I'm good. Cuma nak mempersiapkan mind and soul untuk phd je yg belum lagi. Huhuhu.

So, Rabu malam ni (12/11/2008) aku akan attend dinner kat Palace of the Golden Horses anjuran Iowa State University Alumni Association (ISUMAA) sempen kedatangan Presiden ISU - Gregory Geoffrey ke Malaysia. Aku akan attend dinner tu dengan daddy, since kitorang berdua memang alumni Iowa State. Lagipun aku nak kembali ke sana, kan.. boleh la jumpa kawan2 lama and exchange stories.. I'm so looking forward to it..

Semalam jugak my dear Fatihah got a fever.. then kitorang bawak dia gi klinik.. kesian dia, malam tak berapa lena nak tidur.. then nak melekap aje.. nasib baik pagi tadi dah ok sikit.. kalau tak dah tentu aku EL hari ni coz nak jaga dia.

So malam ni aku kena kuatkan semangat sambung sorting barang - yang mana nak buang, yang mana nak simpan. Can't wait for the packing and sorting to end. Bestnya la kalau boleh ke spa and manjakan diri.. i wish...

Tag.. Again!  

written by hidayah

Just found out that I have a tag that need to be completed -->

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.

Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names,then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment,letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time : 9.35 am

Name : Nurhidayah

Sisters : 0

Brothers : 3

Shoe size : 7, sumtimes 8

Height : 157cm (i think so)

Where do you live : Kuantan

Have you ever been on a plane : Yes

Swam in the ocean : Nope, just bathing

Fallen asleep at school : Haha.. so many times... from high scholl until uni.. buruk perangai..

Broken someone’s heart : I hope not..

Fell off your chair : Yup

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yeah

Saved e-mails : Yes

What is your room like : OK - presentable

What’s right beside you: Nobody - I'm in my office

What is the last thing you ate : Nasi Lemak Ayam

Chicken pox : When I was in primary school - standard 2, i think

Sore throat : Yup, Can't keep track the number of times I got sore throat

Stitches : After giving birth

Broken nose : Nope

Do you Believe in love at first sight : Definitely

Like picnics : Love it so much

Who was/were…The last person you danced with : Can't remember.. it was during primary school

Last made you smile : Playing with Fatihah this morning

You last yelled at : My students .. didn't come to my class giving lousy excuses

Today did you…Talk to someone you like : Yup.. My hubby

Kissed anyone : Hubby and daughter

Get sick : No

Talk to an ex : No??

Miss someone : My family

Who do you really hate: Nobody in particular

Do you like your hand-writing : Nope

Are your toe nails painted : Nope

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Beds at showrooms

What color shirt are you wearing now : I'm wearing a yellow-chocolate baju kurung

Are you a friendly person : I was told that I am

Do you have any pets : No

Do you sleep with the TV on : Sometimes..

What are you doing right now : Answering this tag

Can you handle the truth : I'll try my best

Are you closer to your mother or father : Both

Do you eat healthy : Nope.. going in that direction

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Nope

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Hubby

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Loud

Are you confident : Yes

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

- A Student at UiTM Shah Alam
- Having the time of my life - enjoy my life as a student
- Hang out with friends
- Shopping, jalan2, makan2..
- Study.. huhu

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- Bayar hutang me + family
- Sedekah
- Gi Haji dgn famili
- Travel around the world dgn famili gak
- Beli aset

5 of my bad habits:
- Procrastinate
- Lambat solat
- Cerewet on certain things
- Kalau nak beli barang, survey berjam2 lamanya sbb nak carik price paling2 rendah among all the shops
- Kalau ada problem mesti asyik berfikir pasal problem tu sampai sakit kepala

5 places I’ve lived/living:
- Desa Jaya, Kepong
- Bdr Sri Damansara, KL
- Shah Alam
- Kuantan
- Ames, Iowa (Thn depan duduk sana lagi)

5 people I tag: I'm not tagging anyone.. malas..

PhD updates and more  

written by hidayah

It's been awhile since I wrote the last entry, well..it's been a hectic week for me, with all the preparations for my PhD and such.. Memang la dugaan betul nak gi belajar ni.. macam2 benda nak kena settle, nak uruskan rumah and barang2 lagi.. boleh jadi gila dibuatnya. Aku pulak cukup menyampah bila nak packing2 barang ni.. heeeeeee.. rasa nak upah professional mover je buat semua tu... huhu..

Sekarang dah bulan 11. Aku dah senak perut fikir lagi 2 bulan aku nak fly. Barang2 kat rumah tu nak kena packing dah.. waaaa... rasa macam tak cukup masa je... last Saturday baru start kemas2 baju.. barulah perasan.. apasal la banyak sangat baju aku tu.. tak masuk lagi baju Zairi... tu baru baju, belum buku2 and barang lain lagi...

Visa aku dah settle. Now visa Zairi and Fatihah pulak on hold sebab kena ada I-20 form dari Iowa State. Huhuhu.. memang US ni strict betul.. now tengah tunggu I-20 dari ISU untuk dependents, baru la visa diorang settle.. **Waa.. gatal kepala aku wehhh** Tak pe, macam2 dugaan nak gi belajar ni.. so aku punya last day bekerja is 19th December 2008 (Friday). Lepas tu balik KL nak siap2 apa yang patut. Serious senak perut bila fikir pasal preparation ni.. Harap tuhan dapat memudahkan segala urusan kami.. Amin...