Selamat datang Ramadhan...
Sekadar renungan kita bersama...

Sekadar renungan kita bersama...
SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI KEMERDEKAAN KE 51... Semoga Malaysia terus aman, makmur dan sejahteralah hendaknya... Mardeka! Mardeka! Mardeka! (Ala2 Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman punya style) :P
Testing moments
Gunting menggunting backdrops sedang berlangsung..
On the 27th August (Wednesday), En Ismail Hj Junuh (Director of KPTM Kuantan) officiate the event..
Student Presentations
Officiating Event and Prize-Giving Ceremony
Venue: PICC, Putrajaya
Date: 23 August 2008
Time: 7:30 am - 1.00 pm
After attending the reherseal on the previous day, I attended the Convocation. I have to admit that being in the Plenary Hall for hours were not exciting at all. Aku bosan. But then, since we, the lecturers were in the front row second row, we can't sneak out. So I waited and waited.. until I was asleep (malu le pulak, dah la duduk depan.. nasib tak masuk layar besar kat depan dewan..huhu)..
Bersama dgn Suzi, Kak Anisz and Eli..
The packaging
The cute cuppies :P
Later in the afternoon we had lunch at Restoran Seri Mualaf near Kuantan Plaza (heard that the food there is yummy, so wanna give it a try). Here's what we ordered:
Squid fried with chilli
Crispy Fried Tofu
Sweet Sour Kerapu
Refreshing Lemon and Mango Juice
well, of course it comes together with the rice.. and I have to agree that the food was scrumptious --> I highly recommend it!
All in all, it was memorable, of course... Semoga kami terus bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. amin..
I've been promising daddy that I will develop a website for him to put on all his career-related stuff. Since I am blogging quite frequent right now, I might as well create a blog for him. Furthermore, I have limited time to access and learn on softwares available to create a website. The best solution is create a blog where both of us can be the author (daddy will write the main stuff, I'm sort of the blogmaster playing around with the technical part :P) Hope the blog will turn out to be as what he have in mind :)
It's not that clear, and En Tarmizi (the DJ) was on air while this picture was taken. Here's the huge sign of the conty -->
The session went well, with 3 or 4 short breaks. I was nervous and cold simultaneously until my body is shivering (If I ever get to be on air again, I'll definitely bring a sweater!). We waited for Mr Tarmizi to introduce us and the chit chatting started. I was soooo relieved since there was no phone call Q&A from the listeners (Pheww!). Anyway, it was an experience and I got to know little bit of what a DJ does in a conty. How do I sound on a radio? I dunno. Terrible I guess. Maybe people who happened to listen to the slot may tell :D
Uwaaa... here comes another tag.. from Sis Neeza at Saudi.. looks like the tag game is not going to end anytime sooner.. so jawab je la... anyway, you guys can get to know me better.. :D
1. When you buy greeting cards, are the words or the picture more important to you?
This applies from 2 years ago until now, because I started to buy greeting cards at that time. Before that? It was all hand made and I did it from scratch. Anyway, I'll go for the words.. then comes the picture.. kalau dapat dua2 yg best lagi bagus.. kalau kata-kata dah bagus (tak de la meleret2/jiwang2 - I'm more into humor kind of words for a greeting card), tak perlu la nak scribble banyak2.. it really helps when I have no idea on what to write.
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
American chocolate cake/moist chocolate cake and carrot cake.
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
Does hand made greeting card counts? If it does, then I started doing my own greeting cards when I was in primary school. Every occasion - mother's day, father's day, birthdays etc.. semua kad buat sendiri.. I got to be creative all of the sudden (he..he..) and start cutting papers and combining colour markers together to produce my own design for the cards -- I thought it was a special thing to do and I believe that people who receive it really appreciates my effort, dan semenjak dua menjak ni je dah tak buat card.. busy skit.. but then my youngest brother inherited my hand made card talent - he is the one yang rajin buat kad after me. As for the gifts, since I took my time doing the cards, dah tak de masa nak buat gifts. So beli je la :P
4. What's your favorite holiday?
There are two of 'em.. the first one was when I got the opportunity to go to Disneyland in Florida when I was at the States tahun 2004.. best woo.. masa kecik dulu penah pegi tapi dah besar2 ni lagi enjoy rupanya sebab boleh plan sendiri nak pegi mana and so on.. the second one masa pergi umrah dan ziarah ke Jordan tahun 2006 - ni satu famili pergi.. memang best.. rasa nak pergi lagi..
5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where?
I don't think that I am going to go for a va-kay this year.. sebab hujung tahun nak prepare sambung belajar kat US, maybe next year insya allah.. during the summer boleh lah nak gi mana-mana..
6. What was the best party you've ever been to?
Birthday parties masa budak2 dulu.. kalau pegi mesti nak kena bawak hadiah.. hehe.. nowadays tak de la kot party2 ni.. kenduri2 tu adalah.. hehe..
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
My wedding? It was on a Saturday and Sunday.. Hari Sabtu tu pagi bertunang, lepas zuhur tu akad nikah, petang amik2 gambar kat masjid, padang depan umah and kat pelamin...Hari ahad pulak, pagi tu salin2 baju (baju kimono, gaun, punjabi, korea), tengahari reception kat dewan, petang tu continue amik2 gambar.. Tu je la kot at my house. Menyambut menantu pulak the next weekend..
8. What's your favorite girl's name?
Pastinya Nur Fatihah Batrisyia, my daughter's name.. kalau tak,takkan letak nama tu kan?
9. What's your favorite boy's name?
Boys name? there's a whole bunch.. can't make up my mind on that one..
10.Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
Hoho... yeah, hidayah.. let's dream on... maybe Ben Affleck or Josh Duhamel (the one in Las Vegas TV Series..)
11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?
Beautiful is subjective, but then my vote goes for JLo (international celeb) and Maya Karin (Local Celeb) - not a fan of these two, anyway...
12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
Again, my picks are Josh Duhamel (international celeb) and Fahrin Ahmad (local celeb)
13. What is your best character trait?
Sesi memuji diri sendiri (bila lagi.. this is the time) --> Friendly, happy go lucky, good leadership skills and I care deeply for the people I love..
14.What is your worst habit?
Haha.. Kalau nak beli satu barang tu, try to find the best package (harga murah, quality pun ok) walaupun sometimes tu boleh je nak beli yg mahal. Agaknya dah terbiasa sejak dulu lagi masa jadi student tak de la byk sgt duit, tu yg go for the cheapest and okay punyer products.. tapi biasa la.. amik masa yg lama.. jadinya macam kak neeza la.. asyik belek2, letak.. belek2, letak.. yg bestnya lepas tu tak beli sebab rasa boleh dapat better deal lagi.. maka hangin le orang yg ikut sama tu.. hahaha...
15. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
Let's see.. once Zairi surprised me by giving a big and cute teddy bear, flowers, card and nice lunch on my birthday.. when was it? I think it was on my 25th Birthday..tak ingat ..hehe
Okay, according to the tradition, I need to pass on the tag assignment.. my candidates are:
1. Ely
2. Baiti
3. Shafa
4. Kak Azah
Sila silalah sila, sudi-sudikan lah menjawab yer...
Well... ada lagi rupanya tag mengetag nih.. now it's from Noniey.. and I am indeed aware that I should complete the assignment..
**RULES***“The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.”***END***
Question 1:What were you doing 5 years ago?
5 years ago.. means starting from 2003 until now.. let's see..
2003 - I was in my second year at Iowa State University, doing my first degree (I was appointed a junior by that time).. and I was enjoying my life as a student..jalan2 carik shopping kat outlet2.. apalagi sana sini.. (Miss those days..)
2004 - Finishing my degree, prepare nak balik Malaysia after graduation.. so lepas graduation, dalam bulan 6 macamtu, terus gi Umrah ngan family.. best sangat time tu.. siap singgah Jordan lagik.. It was a memorable event.. Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki nak gi sana lagik.. then penghujung tahun 2004 tu, dah start jadik lecturer kat KPTM Kuantan.. 1st time merasa banjir kat Kuantan.. siap kena diselamatkan oleh abg2 tentera naik bot.. sebab air naik sampai bahu dah.. huhu
2005 - Sambil mengajar tu, start buat master part time kat UiTM Shah Alam.. yelah.. 2 tahun tu pejam celik pejam celik kejap je .. so bermulalah journey ulang alik tiap2 minggu.. masa ni bujang lagik.. so tak de apa nak dikisahkan..
2006 - Kawin bulan Ogos 2006.. huhu.. tiring but memorable.. hehe.. then pegi honeymoon kat Sabah.. (stay at Karambunai, Kinabalu Pine Resort and Le Meridian).. best.. best..
2007 - Menikmati kehidupan berumahtangga.. then pregnant... bulan 10 lahirkan Fatihah tu...and going through the confinement process..pada masa yang sama siapkan thesis and viva masters.. alhamdulillah dah abisss...
2008 - Tahun ni... start belajar mengasuh n membesarkan anak... and prepare nak fly buat PhD.. disamping Konvo masters bulan 5 hari tu...
Question 2:What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
As of today (4th August 2008), on my to do list..
1. Siapkan notes untuk Chapter 4 for management class for the rest of the week
2. Check Assignment and quiz students
3. Follow-up regarding concrete benches and counters at the civil engineering lab
4. Call Pn Maizul HQ and follow up on MARA scholarship
5. Call Stanley the supplier and follow up on souvenirs for Jubli Perak Celebration..
So far, up to 12.30pm..I've done item 3, 4 and 5..
Question 3:What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
Snacks? I'm trying to change to healthy snacks (konon!) ..hehe.. tgh cuba nak kurangkan yg junk2 tu.. however...
1. Chachos - Sedap la tortilla nyer snacks ni.. belajar makan masa kat US (Doritos la tapinyaa..).. kat sini Doritos mahal.. so Chachos tu kira macam Doritos.. so layannnnn
2. Dried fruit + nut - Yang ni memang best.. Cosway ada jual.. campur la dengan kacang2.. sedap gak.. portion kecik tu sekali makan je dah abisss... huhu
3. Chocolate - ni bila tgh craving jer.. waktu tu nak makan Cadbury yg kecik pun jadila.. hehe..but sekali sekala je... bukan selalu yeee
4. Sweets - Kalau ngantuk tu makan gak la gula2... especially kalau tgh dengar ceramah dan yang sewaktu dengannya.. help me stay awake.. hehe
5. Kuaci/Kacang/Muruku - Yang ni pun ok gak la.. tgh2 tengok tv ke.. tgh bersembang2 ke.. tak sedar abis dah sepeket... hehehe...macam kuaci tu... kalau dah kemaruk, mau sampai 2 ke 3 bungkuss...
Question 4:What are 5 things that you would do if you were a billionaire?
Best question ever.. yelah..bab2 berangan nih.. bak kata daddy, kalau tgh traffic jam kat KL tu.. berangan jadi billionaire boleh buat kita kurang tension ..hehe..anyway...
1. Giving back to the community - bunyiknye macam yo yo oh aje.. tapi, bila tuhan dah murahkan rezeki jadik bilionnaire, eloklah ada portion untuk amal jariah dan mereka yang I will give these people their share...
2. Bayar balik semua hutang2 - Mine, hubby, family..semua hutang akan kulangsaikan..
3. Haji + Umrah + Travel - Bawak famili ke Mekah seterusnya travel around the world
4. Beli harta dan buat aset - rumah, kereta, tanah, main saham, investment..u name it.. semua2 tu (idaman ke tak idaman ke).. akan kubuat sekiranya bergelar billionaire
5. Yang lebih2 tu, simpan masuk akaun.. and bagila sikit kat famili..
Question 5:What are 5 jobs you’ve had?
1. Become a cashier at EZY video after SPM
2. Work at Iowa State's Hotel in the housekeeping department -- kemas2 bilik and cuci toilet (nak carik duit lebih)
3. As a lab assistant at Dept of Civil Engineering's Soil lab kat Iowa State (masa summer kat iowa state - still nak carik duit lebih)
4. Yang ni paling best -- jadik assistant editor for ASCE Journal (American Society of Civil Engineers) kat Iowa State jugak -- masyuk gak la masa ni
5. Jadik Engineer kat Satar Landscaping Sdn Bhd -- 1st job lepas balik dari overseas..
Now.. the assignment continues.. to the people below:
1. Kak Anisz
2. Kak Mahani
3. Baiti
4. Kak Azah
5. Aminah
Silalah ye... hehe
Sekadar renungan kita bersama...
SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI KEMERDEKAAN KE 51... Semoga Malaysia terus aman, makmur dan sejahteralah hendaknya... Mardeka! Mardeka! Mardeka! (Ala2 Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman punya style) :P
Testing moments
Gunting menggunting backdrops sedang berlangsung..
On the 27th August (Wednesday), En Ismail Hj Junuh (Director of KPTM Kuantan) officiate the event..
Student Presentations
Officiating Event and Prize-Giving Ceremony
Venue: PICC, Putrajaya
Date: 23 August 2008
Time: 7:30 am - 1.00 pm
After attending the reherseal on the previous day, I attended the Convocation. I have to admit that being in the Plenary Hall for hours were not exciting at all. Aku bosan. But then, since we, the lecturers were in the front row second row, we can't sneak out. So I waited and waited.. until I was asleep (malu le pulak, dah la duduk depan.. nasib tak masuk layar besar kat depan dewan..huhu)..
Bersama dgn Suzi, Kak Anisz and Eli..
The packaging
The cute cuppies :P
Later in the afternoon we had lunch at Restoran Seri Mualaf near Kuantan Plaza (heard that the food there is yummy, so wanna give it a try). Here's what we ordered:
Squid fried with chilli
Crispy Fried Tofu
Sweet Sour Kerapu
Refreshing Lemon and Mango Juice
well, of course it comes together with the rice.. and I have to agree that the food was scrumptious --> I highly recommend it!
All in all, it was memorable, of course... Semoga kami terus bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. amin..
I've been promising daddy that I will develop a website for him to put on all his career-related stuff. Since I am blogging quite frequent right now, I might as well create a blog for him. Furthermore, I have limited time to access and learn on softwares available to create a website. The best solution is create a blog where both of us can be the author (daddy will write the main stuff, I'm sort of the blogmaster playing around with the technical part :P) Hope the blog will turn out to be as what he have in mind :)
It's not that clear, and En Tarmizi (the DJ) was on air while this picture was taken. Here's the huge sign of the conty -->
The session went well, with 3 or 4 short breaks. I was nervous and cold simultaneously until my body is shivering (If I ever get to be on air again, I'll definitely bring a sweater!). We waited for Mr Tarmizi to introduce us and the chit chatting started. I was soooo relieved since there was no phone call Q&A from the listeners (Pheww!). Anyway, it was an experience and I got to know little bit of what a DJ does in a conty. How do I sound on a radio? I dunno. Terrible I guess. Maybe people who happened to listen to the slot may tell :D
Uwaaa... here comes another tag.. from Sis Neeza at Saudi.. looks like the tag game is not going to end anytime sooner.. so jawab je la... anyway, you guys can get to know me better.. :D
1. When you buy greeting cards, are the words or the picture more important to you?
This applies from 2 years ago until now, because I started to buy greeting cards at that time. Before that? It was all hand made and I did it from scratch. Anyway, I'll go for the words.. then comes the picture.. kalau dapat dua2 yg best lagi bagus.. kalau kata-kata dah bagus (tak de la meleret2/jiwang2 - I'm more into humor kind of words for a greeting card), tak perlu la nak scribble banyak2.. it really helps when I have no idea on what to write.
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
American chocolate cake/moist chocolate cake and carrot cake.
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
Does hand made greeting card counts? If it does, then I started doing my own greeting cards when I was in primary school. Every occasion - mother's day, father's day, birthdays etc.. semua kad buat sendiri.. I got to be creative all of the sudden (he..he..) and start cutting papers and combining colour markers together to produce my own design for the cards -- I thought it was a special thing to do and I believe that people who receive it really appreciates my effort, dan semenjak dua menjak ni je dah tak buat card.. busy skit.. but then my youngest brother inherited my hand made card talent - he is the one yang rajin buat kad after me. As for the gifts, since I took my time doing the cards, dah tak de masa nak buat gifts. So beli je la :P
4. What's your favorite holiday?
There are two of 'em.. the first one was when I got the opportunity to go to Disneyland in Florida when I was at the States tahun 2004.. best woo.. masa kecik dulu penah pegi tapi dah besar2 ni lagi enjoy rupanya sebab boleh plan sendiri nak pegi mana and so on.. the second one masa pergi umrah dan ziarah ke Jordan tahun 2006 - ni satu famili pergi.. memang best.. rasa nak pergi lagi..
5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where?
I don't think that I am going to go for a va-kay this year.. sebab hujung tahun nak prepare sambung belajar kat US, maybe next year insya allah.. during the summer boleh lah nak gi mana-mana..
6. What was the best party you've ever been to?
Birthday parties masa budak2 dulu.. kalau pegi mesti nak kena bawak hadiah.. hehe.. nowadays tak de la kot party2 ni.. kenduri2 tu adalah.. hehe..
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
My wedding? It was on a Saturday and Sunday.. Hari Sabtu tu pagi bertunang, lepas zuhur tu akad nikah, petang amik2 gambar kat masjid, padang depan umah and kat pelamin...Hari ahad pulak, pagi tu salin2 baju (baju kimono, gaun, punjabi, korea), tengahari reception kat dewan, petang tu continue amik2 gambar.. Tu je la kot at my house. Menyambut menantu pulak the next weekend..
8. What's your favorite girl's name?
Pastinya Nur Fatihah Batrisyia, my daughter's name.. kalau tak,takkan letak nama tu kan?
9. What's your favorite boy's name?
Boys name? there's a whole bunch.. can't make up my mind on that one..
10.Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
Hoho... yeah, hidayah.. let's dream on... maybe Ben Affleck or Josh Duhamel (the one in Las Vegas TV Series..)
11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?
Beautiful is subjective, but then my vote goes for JLo (international celeb) and Maya Karin (Local Celeb) - not a fan of these two, anyway...
12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
Again, my picks are Josh Duhamel (international celeb) and Fahrin Ahmad (local celeb)
13. What is your best character trait?
Sesi memuji diri sendiri (bila lagi.. this is the time) --> Friendly, happy go lucky, good leadership skills and I care deeply for the people I love..
14.What is your worst habit?
Haha.. Kalau nak beli satu barang tu, try to find the best package (harga murah, quality pun ok) walaupun sometimes tu boleh je nak beli yg mahal. Agaknya dah terbiasa sejak dulu lagi masa jadi student tak de la byk sgt duit, tu yg go for the cheapest and okay punyer products.. tapi biasa la.. amik masa yg lama.. jadinya macam kak neeza la.. asyik belek2, letak.. belek2, letak.. yg bestnya lepas tu tak beli sebab rasa boleh dapat better deal lagi.. maka hangin le orang yg ikut sama tu.. hahaha...
15. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
Let's see.. once Zairi surprised me by giving a big and cute teddy bear, flowers, card and nice lunch on my birthday.. when was it? I think it was on my 25th Birthday..tak ingat ..hehe
Okay, according to the tradition, I need to pass on the tag assignment.. my candidates are:
1. Ely
2. Baiti
3. Shafa
4. Kak Azah
Sila silalah sila, sudi-sudikan lah menjawab yer...
Well... ada lagi rupanya tag mengetag nih.. now it's from Noniey.. and I am indeed aware that I should complete the assignment..
**RULES***“The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.”***END***
Question 1:What were you doing 5 years ago?
5 years ago.. means starting from 2003 until now.. let's see..
2003 - I was in my second year at Iowa State University, doing my first degree (I was appointed a junior by that time).. and I was enjoying my life as a student..jalan2 carik shopping kat outlet2.. apalagi sana sini.. (Miss those days..)
2004 - Finishing my degree, prepare nak balik Malaysia after graduation.. so lepas graduation, dalam bulan 6 macamtu, terus gi Umrah ngan family.. best sangat time tu.. siap singgah Jordan lagik.. It was a memorable event.. Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki nak gi sana lagik.. then penghujung tahun 2004 tu, dah start jadik lecturer kat KPTM Kuantan.. 1st time merasa banjir kat Kuantan.. siap kena diselamatkan oleh abg2 tentera naik bot.. sebab air naik sampai bahu dah.. huhu
2005 - Sambil mengajar tu, start buat master part time kat UiTM Shah Alam.. yelah.. 2 tahun tu pejam celik pejam celik kejap je .. so bermulalah journey ulang alik tiap2 minggu.. masa ni bujang lagik.. so tak de apa nak dikisahkan..
2006 - Kawin bulan Ogos 2006.. huhu.. tiring but memorable.. hehe.. then pegi honeymoon kat Sabah.. (stay at Karambunai, Kinabalu Pine Resort and Le Meridian).. best.. best..
2007 - Menikmati kehidupan berumahtangga.. then pregnant... bulan 10 lahirkan Fatihah tu...and going through the confinement process..pada masa yang sama siapkan thesis and viva masters.. alhamdulillah dah abisss...
2008 - Tahun ni... start belajar mengasuh n membesarkan anak... and prepare nak fly buat PhD.. disamping Konvo masters bulan 5 hari tu...
Question 2:What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
As of today (4th August 2008), on my to do list..
1. Siapkan notes untuk Chapter 4 for management class for the rest of the week
2. Check Assignment and quiz students
3. Follow-up regarding concrete benches and counters at the civil engineering lab
4. Call Pn Maizul HQ and follow up on MARA scholarship
5. Call Stanley the supplier and follow up on souvenirs for Jubli Perak Celebration..
So far, up to 12.30pm..I've done item 3, 4 and 5..
Question 3:What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
Snacks? I'm trying to change to healthy snacks (konon!) ..hehe.. tgh cuba nak kurangkan yg junk2 tu.. however...
1. Chachos - Sedap la tortilla nyer snacks ni.. belajar makan masa kat US (Doritos la tapinyaa..).. kat sini Doritos mahal.. so Chachos tu kira macam Doritos.. so layannnnn
2. Dried fruit + nut - Yang ni memang best.. Cosway ada jual.. campur la dengan kacang2.. sedap gak.. portion kecik tu sekali makan je dah abisss... huhu
3. Chocolate - ni bila tgh craving jer.. waktu tu nak makan Cadbury yg kecik pun jadila.. hehe..but sekali sekala je... bukan selalu yeee
4. Sweets - Kalau ngantuk tu makan gak la gula2... especially kalau tgh dengar ceramah dan yang sewaktu dengannya.. help me stay awake.. hehe
5. Kuaci/Kacang/Muruku - Yang ni pun ok gak la.. tgh2 tengok tv ke.. tgh bersembang2 ke.. tak sedar abis dah sepeket... hehehe...macam kuaci tu... kalau dah kemaruk, mau sampai 2 ke 3 bungkuss...
Question 4:What are 5 things that you would do if you were a billionaire?
Best question ever.. yelah..bab2 berangan nih.. bak kata daddy, kalau tgh traffic jam kat KL tu.. berangan jadi billionaire boleh buat kita kurang tension ..hehe..anyway...
1. Giving back to the community - bunyiknye macam yo yo oh aje.. tapi, bila tuhan dah murahkan rezeki jadik bilionnaire, eloklah ada portion untuk amal jariah dan mereka yang I will give these people their share...
2. Bayar balik semua hutang2 - Mine, hubby, family..semua hutang akan kulangsaikan..
3. Haji + Umrah + Travel - Bawak famili ke Mekah seterusnya travel around the world
4. Beli harta dan buat aset - rumah, kereta, tanah, main saham, investment..u name it.. semua2 tu (idaman ke tak idaman ke).. akan kubuat sekiranya bergelar billionaire
5. Yang lebih2 tu, simpan masuk akaun.. and bagila sikit kat famili..
Question 5:What are 5 jobs you’ve had?
1. Become a cashier at EZY video after SPM
2. Work at Iowa State's Hotel in the housekeeping department -- kemas2 bilik and cuci toilet (nak carik duit lebih)
3. As a lab assistant at Dept of Civil Engineering's Soil lab kat Iowa State (masa summer kat iowa state - still nak carik duit lebih)
4. Yang ni paling best -- jadik assistant editor for ASCE Journal (American Society of Civil Engineers) kat Iowa State jugak -- masyuk gak la masa ni
5. Jadik Engineer kat Satar Landscaping Sdn Bhd -- 1st job lepas balik dari overseas..
Now.. the assignment continues.. to the people below:
1. Kak Anisz
2. Kak Mahani
3. Baiti
4. Kak Azah
5. Aminah
Silalah ye... hehe