From the bottom of my heart .. all about being a mommy and such..  

Posted by hidayah
July 31,

Fatihah is going to turn 1 yrs old this coming Oct 23rd. So when I think about it, how do I get through all this (new at being a mom, plus working simultaneously).. it's unbelievable. Let see what I've been doing so far as a mom..

1. Getting more information on parenting : Forums, baby products' websites, magazines (Pa&Ma, etc), you name it... Those has been my main reading sources. I want the best for my Fatihah, so I try to gather as much info as I can regarding parenting. Not to mention asking around for advice from mama and friends..

2. Breastfeeding : Now Fatihah is 9 months old, and I'm still breastfeeding her!! Eventhough not exclusively, but she only drinks formula milk 8 oz per day. The rest?? Breastfeeding la...hehe.. At the office, I express milk everyday.. buat stok kat nursery. So, insya allah.. I will breastfeed her as long as I can.. selagi ada susu, selagi itu akan kuberi.. demi seorang anak yang bernama Fatihah..Furthermore, I am impressed and inspired by this one doctor (Pa&MA August Edition) and she managed to express 260 bottles of breast milk for her baby during confinement.. So kalau seorang doktor (yang mana kerjanya tak tentu masa) boleh pam susu and fully breastfeed anak dia, why not me? I only work for 8-5, so what's my excuse?

3. Weekend activity : Entertain Fatihah, or sometimes bawak dia gi jalan2.. since she likes to travel (mana taknya, I was travelling by bus until my 9th month of pregnancy)

4. The 'bonding' between Fatihah and I : I admit that I really feel the bond (it's indescribable) between the two of us.. thanks to breastfeeding -->

5. Priority has changed : She's the priority of both of us (hubby and I). Everything is about her, and surprisingly, Zairi get really pissed off (more than I) at the nursery (he rarely does that)--> there's rashes behind her neck and she's scratching herself. So the people at the nursery are now extra careful when handling our precious Fatihah..

6. Fatihah's necessities : Mahal ke murah ke, tak kisah asalkan berkualiti and she's fine with it.. sampai macam tu sekali.. This apply to Zairi and daddy as well.. so let's see.. Fatihah nak toy? Beli je.. Food? So many types.. dari imported organic food sampai ke Gerber and Nestle.. semua beli... All because of Fatihah..

Now she's growing as a healthy baby.. and as a mom, I am happy and delighted to see my little one is enjoying her life at the moment.. Ada orang tanya, tak nak bagi adik ke kat Fatihah?? the answer... Not at the moment, yaa...hehehe

TAG?!! Meh kita jawab... Part 1  

Posted by hidayah
July 30,
2008 first tak tau pun amende tag-tag nih.. But since Kak Lieyn dah tag aku.. so I have to answer all her questions, lah...

1. 1st time naik kapal terbang : Masa tu umur setahun lebih, ikut daddy sambung belajar buat degree kat USA.. naik Cathay Pacific rasanya..hehe..

2. 1st time beranak: 23 Oktober 2007 , 3.05pm at Hospital Pusrawi Jln Tun Razak (selepas sehari semalam menunggu kat labour room tu ..fuhh..tuhan jek yg tau) -> lahirlah Nur Fatihah Batrisyia yg sekarang ni dah 9 months ++

3. 1st time pergi overseas: Masa ikut daddy gi buat degree tu la.. hehe..

4. 1st time duduk jauh drp family: Masa tu darjah 3, masuk Ikhtifal sekolah2 agama (kira macam pertandingan2 la..). Aku masuk pertandingan bacaan dalam solat subuh (waa..kaka..).. masa tu kena tido kat KISAS Kelang.. nangis woo.. malam tu teringat kat mama and daddy..hehe

5. 1st time kerja: Lepas SPM, keje kat kedai EZY Video.. hehe.. memula tu jadi tukang susun video je.. lepas tu bos percaya, terus jadik cashier..

6. 1st time rasa diri gemuk: Masa kat UiTM buat diploma.. makan tak tentu hala.. hahaha

7. 1st time bercinta: Ada ke? Minat2 org tu kira berchenta ke? haha.. tak applicable kot..

8. 1st time rasa diri cantik: Selama ni pun sedar diri.. masa kawin je la kot baru rasa cenggitu...

9. 1st time masuk cinema: Masa tu darjah 6 ke form 1 ntah.. tengok citer Batman.. daddy bawak kitorang adik beradik gi tengok kat cinema kat desa jaya, kepong.. huhuh

10.1st time admitted in hospital: Masa bersalin tu la first time nyer.. tu la pasal takut semacamm je...

Nak kena tag orang lain ke?? huhu..Why not?

So, fellas.. jawab..jgn tak jawab..

- Kak Suhaniz
- Kak Mahani
- Baiti

**Tak pe ke kalau just tag 3 org je? semua yg kukenali dah ditag :(

Garage Sale / Yard Sale / Moving Sale  

Posted by hidayah
July 23,

Well.. I'm going to have a garage sale / yard sale or whatever you people call it. Basically selling used item (and few new item) to other people. I did not set up a particular day for that purpose and basically it's a 'throughout the year' kinda thing. Why garage sale? I'm moving leaving the country by the end of the year (insya allah) so I need to let go all my stuff at home.

I have developed a list of stuff to let go which includes furnitures, electrical appliances, baby stuff and so much more.. i've got the price stated too and it's negotiable.. for those of you who are interested, you can either email me , YM me (ID: are_id61180) or drop a line at my shoutbox for further information. People at KPTM Kuantan, you know where to reach me :P

I am currently in the process of getting pictures taken for the stuff to let go. If time permits, I'll get it uploaded ASAP.

From Petronas KLCC to Dubai - how both fascinates me so much..  

Posted by hidayah
July 17,

When I was doing my Diploma, I always thought that Petronas KLCC was the best and coolest building ever.Hehe..Eventhough there's not much information that I know about KLCC back then, it doesn't matter. All that matters was I've been to the connecting bridge and saw KL from there. I was proud at the moment since I was a civil engineering student and I got the opportunity to stand on that particular floor.

Well, that was few years back.. then when I was at Iowa State University doing my undergrad, the subject of KLCC was brought up. Why? There was a discussion regarding the tallest building in the world, which was KLCC (at that moment) and since I was the only Malaysian student in my class, I was the "information counter". All questions regarding the Petronas KLCC building was addressed to me. I used all my knowledge (including my visit at the connecting bridge) and try my best to answer them all. At that moment, yes, that moment was when I stood in front of my class, a proud Malaysian - talking about Petronas KLCC which is the tallest building in the world (at that moment). Later that year, when I went back to Malaysia, I bought some souvenirs including posters and keychains of KLCC (which I don't think I'll ever bought it if I did not went to the US - taking things for granted, eh?) for my professors and they really, i mean, really love it and appreciate my "ooh.. how nice of you.." gestures...*wink*

Now Dubai.. the most fast developing city at the moment - with all the construction projects going on, I wish I had the chance to be there, yet to see by myself how the city is getting developed. Being involve in one project is already considered as "experience of a lifetime" for me. It fascinates me so much - building designs, architectural details, structural and all the engineering elements are combined into impressive buildings.

I would love to go there some time. Not only for vacation, but also to observe the most fascinating city in the world with its teriffic state-of-the-art building and infrastructures.

This one is my favourite : A view from the future tallest building in the world, Burj Dubai - you can even see the shape of the earth!!

14th July 2008 - Feliz Cumpleaños, daddy!!!  

Posted by hidayah
July 16,
2008 - Glitter Graphics

Dear daddy:

Happy 54th Birthday!! Kakak would like to wish you many, many more, with the good luck, good health, and good times that you so richly deserve. May Allah bless you..




Posted by hidayah
July 07,

Memandangkan aku ni anak yg sulung dan satu-satunya perempuan dalam famili, aku tak tau camane rasanya ada baby dalam famili. Yelah, mana lagi ada adik beradik aku yang ada anak lagi.. tapi bila Fatihah dah lahir, memang ada la perubahan dalam famili aku especially since dia cucu yang sulung..

a) Aku dan Zairi :
- dulu bila bergaduh, lama gak la baru sejuk.. tapi sejak ada Fatihah ni, kejap je dah bercakap mcm biasa
- sekarang ni kalau weekend, ada la jugak bawak Fatihah jalan2.. lepas tu mesti ada beli something untuk dia.. kalau tak beli toy, mesti ada baju sehelai dua
- kalau masing2 tension kat office, tengok gelagat dan telatah Fatihah je terus hilang semua tension yang ada..
- masa paling seronok bagi kotorang bertiga masa bagi dia makan.. kitorang gilir2 suap makanan dan pegang dia, sebab dia suka berdiri.. sekarang ni kalau nak makan, dah pandai sua mulut ke depan..

b) Daddy and Mama:
- Bagi daddy tak de orang yang paling cantik dan lawa melainkan Fatihah, sebab dia asyik cakap " ala cantik-cantik Fatihah.. "
- Daddy and mama asyik call nak cakap dengan Fatihah walaupun Fatihah tak boleh cakap lagi, dengar dia berbunyik pun tak pe
- Pasal duit tak yah cerita la.. ada je yang diorang salurkan ke akaun Fatihah, sekarang ni dia lagi kaya semua orang dalam famili ni
- Daddy siap buat lagu lagi pasal Fatihah pakai muzik roti gardenia tu.. "oh Fatihah.. enaknya dicium begitu saja.."hehe.. kelakar..
- Mama belajar buat smocking kat baju budak2, dan mama dah siap dah jahit smocking kat gaun untuk Fatihah, ni tgh nak jahit satu lagi
- Kalau pergi mana2, mesti ada beli baju ke, toys ke untuk Fatihah.. bukan satu, tapi kekadang tu sampai tiga ke empat item sekali..
- Ada sekali tu daddy sanggup ambil cuti nak jaga Fatihah kat umah.. hehe..
- Apa lagi yek?? Banyak lagik.. tak tercerita kat sini.. yang atas tu part of it la..

c) Angah
- Dia ni pun tak disangka-sangka jugak.. bila Fatihah dah lahir, sayang betul kat Fatihah.. bagi duit beli stroller, bulan2 bagi duit, lepas tu kalau balik asyik nak cium Fatihah je.. daripada tak reti pegang budak kecik sekarang dah pandai dah dukung walaupun kekok..
- Kalau Fatihah balik KL, bila angah balik keje je mesti carik Fatihah..
- Angah panggil Fatihah --> kenit, so dialog dia mesti camni " kenit, oo kenit.."

d) Adik
- Dia pun rajin melayan Fatihah.. kalau mintak tolong tengok ke, mandikan ke.. layan kejap ke, nak aje adik buat..
- Macam hari tu, adik tak dapat masuk Iowa State bulan 8 ni, dia bengang kejap sebab kena gi bulan 12.. tapi bila kata dia gi sekali dengan Fatihah (since aku pun pegi bulan 12), terus dia cool down..

e) Apit
- Dia paling jarang jumpa Fatihah sebab bila time kitorang balik KL kebetulan dia tak balik dari hostel. So sekali sekala jumpa tu, layan jugak la dengan Fatihah...

Conclusion --> Fatihah obviously changed our life in a way that we never thought before. She truly affects us deep inside, and she will always be the sweetheart in our family..

New semester!  

Posted by hidayah
July 07,

Salam all,

I have not been able to post new entries in my blog lately. The busiest week has finally arrived. I was wiped, by all the events and activities that need to be attended.

- New student registration --> briefings and meetings and registering new students
- New student orientation --> I'm one of the facilitator, so I have to conduct some kind of module for these new kids
- Officiating/Closing ceremony of the orientation (On Sunday and Tuesday)--> It's compulsory. Need I say more??
- Promotion --> I was assigned to PLKN Gambang to promote KPTM to the wira and wirawati

Plus, I need to prepare lecture materials for my class, not to mention all the administrative stuff for the department.

Well, can't really promise here, but I'll try my best to post entries eventhough between classes! :D

From the bottom of my heart .. all about being a mommy and such..  

written by hidayah
July 31,

Fatihah is going to turn 1 yrs old this coming Oct 23rd. So when I think about it, how do I get through all this (new at being a mom, plus working simultaneously).. it's unbelievable. Let see what I've been doing so far as a mom..

1. Getting more information on parenting : Forums, baby products' websites, magazines (Pa&Ma, etc), you name it... Those has been my main reading sources. I want the best for my Fatihah, so I try to gather as much info as I can regarding parenting. Not to mention asking around for advice from mama and friends..

2. Breastfeeding : Now Fatihah is 9 months old, and I'm still breastfeeding her!! Eventhough not exclusively, but she only drinks formula milk 8 oz per day. The rest?? Breastfeeding la...hehe.. At the office, I express milk everyday.. buat stok kat nursery. So, insya allah.. I will breastfeed her as long as I can.. selagi ada susu, selagi itu akan kuberi.. demi seorang anak yang bernama Fatihah..Furthermore, I am impressed and inspired by this one doctor (Pa&MA August Edition) and she managed to express 260 bottles of breast milk for her baby during confinement.. So kalau seorang doktor (yang mana kerjanya tak tentu masa) boleh pam susu and fully breastfeed anak dia, why not me? I only work for 8-5, so what's my excuse?

3. Weekend activity : Entertain Fatihah, or sometimes bawak dia gi jalan2.. since she likes to travel (mana taknya, I was travelling by bus until my 9th month of pregnancy)

4. The 'bonding' between Fatihah and I : I admit that I really feel the bond (it's indescribable) between the two of us.. thanks to breastfeeding -->

5. Priority has changed : She's the priority of both of us (hubby and I). Everything is about her, and surprisingly, Zairi get really pissed off (more than I) at the nursery (he rarely does that)--> there's rashes behind her neck and she's scratching herself. So the people at the nursery are now extra careful when handling our precious Fatihah..

6. Fatihah's necessities : Mahal ke murah ke, tak kisah asalkan berkualiti and she's fine with it.. sampai macam tu sekali.. This apply to Zairi and daddy as well.. so let's see.. Fatihah nak toy? Beli je.. Food? So many types.. dari imported organic food sampai ke Gerber and Nestle.. semua beli... All because of Fatihah..

Now she's growing as a healthy baby.. and as a mom, I am happy and delighted to see my little one is enjoying her life at the moment.. Ada orang tanya, tak nak bagi adik ke kat Fatihah?? the answer... Not at the moment, yaa...hehehe

TAG?!! Meh kita jawab... Part 1  

written by hidayah
July 30,
2008 first tak tau pun amende tag-tag nih.. But since Kak Lieyn dah tag aku.. so I have to answer all her questions, lah...

1. 1st time naik kapal terbang : Masa tu umur setahun lebih, ikut daddy sambung belajar buat degree kat USA.. naik Cathay Pacific rasanya..hehe..

2. 1st time beranak: 23 Oktober 2007 , 3.05pm at Hospital Pusrawi Jln Tun Razak (selepas sehari semalam menunggu kat labour room tu ..fuhh..tuhan jek yg tau) -> lahirlah Nur Fatihah Batrisyia yg sekarang ni dah 9 months ++

3. 1st time pergi overseas: Masa ikut daddy gi buat degree tu la.. hehe..

4. 1st time duduk jauh drp family: Masa tu darjah 3, masuk Ikhtifal sekolah2 agama (kira macam pertandingan2 la..). Aku masuk pertandingan bacaan dalam solat subuh (waa..kaka..).. masa tu kena tido kat KISAS Kelang.. nangis woo.. malam tu teringat kat mama and daddy..hehe

5. 1st time kerja: Lepas SPM, keje kat kedai EZY Video.. hehe.. memula tu jadi tukang susun video je.. lepas tu bos percaya, terus jadik cashier..

6. 1st time rasa diri gemuk: Masa kat UiTM buat diploma.. makan tak tentu hala.. hahaha

7. 1st time bercinta: Ada ke? Minat2 org tu kira berchenta ke? haha.. tak applicable kot..

8. 1st time rasa diri cantik: Selama ni pun sedar diri.. masa kawin je la kot baru rasa cenggitu...

9. 1st time masuk cinema: Masa tu darjah 6 ke form 1 ntah.. tengok citer Batman.. daddy bawak kitorang adik beradik gi tengok kat cinema kat desa jaya, kepong.. huhuh

10.1st time admitted in hospital: Masa bersalin tu la first time nyer.. tu la pasal takut semacamm je...

Nak kena tag orang lain ke?? huhu..Why not?

So, fellas.. jawab..jgn tak jawab..

- Kak Suhaniz
- Kak Mahani
- Baiti

**Tak pe ke kalau just tag 3 org je? semua yg kukenali dah ditag :(

Garage Sale / Yard Sale / Moving Sale  

written by hidayah
July 23,

Well.. I'm going to have a garage sale / yard sale or whatever you people call it. Basically selling used item (and few new item) to other people. I did not set up a particular day for that purpose and basically it's a 'throughout the year' kinda thing. Why garage sale? I'm moving leaving the country by the end of the year (insya allah) so I need to let go all my stuff at home.

I have developed a list of stuff to let go which includes furnitures, electrical appliances, baby stuff and so much more.. i've got the price stated too and it's negotiable.. for those of you who are interested, you can either email me , YM me (ID: are_id61180) or drop a line at my shoutbox for further information. People at KPTM Kuantan, you know where to reach me :P

I am currently in the process of getting pictures taken for the stuff to let go. If time permits, I'll get it uploaded ASAP.

From Petronas KLCC to Dubai - how both fascinates me so much..  

written by hidayah
July 17,

When I was doing my Diploma, I always thought that Petronas KLCC was the best and coolest building ever.Hehe..Eventhough there's not much information that I know about KLCC back then, it doesn't matter. All that matters was I've been to the connecting bridge and saw KL from there. I was proud at the moment since I was a civil engineering student and I got the opportunity to stand on that particular floor.

Well, that was few years back.. then when I was at Iowa State University doing my undergrad, the subject of KLCC was brought up. Why? There was a discussion regarding the tallest building in the world, which was KLCC (at that moment) and since I was the only Malaysian student in my class, I was the "information counter". All questions regarding the Petronas KLCC building was addressed to me. I used all my knowledge (including my visit at the connecting bridge) and try my best to answer them all. At that moment, yes, that moment was when I stood in front of my class, a proud Malaysian - talking about Petronas KLCC which is the tallest building in the world (at that moment). Later that year, when I went back to Malaysia, I bought some souvenirs including posters and keychains of KLCC (which I don't think I'll ever bought it if I did not went to the US - taking things for granted, eh?) for my professors and they really, i mean, really love it and appreciate my "ooh.. how nice of you.." gestures...*wink*

Now Dubai.. the most fast developing city at the moment - with all the construction projects going on, I wish I had the chance to be there, yet to see by myself how the city is getting developed. Being involve in one project is already considered as "experience of a lifetime" for me. It fascinates me so much - building designs, architectural details, structural and all the engineering elements are combined into impressive buildings.

I would love to go there some time. Not only for vacation, but also to observe the most fascinating city in the world with its teriffic state-of-the-art building and infrastructures.

This one is my favourite : A view from the future tallest building in the world, Burj Dubai - you can even see the shape of the earth!!

14th July 2008 - Feliz Cumpleaños, daddy!!!  

written by hidayah
July 16,
2008 - Glitter Graphics

Dear daddy:

Happy 54th Birthday!! Kakak would like to wish you many, many more, with the good luck, good health, and good times that you so richly deserve. May Allah bless you..




written by hidayah
July 07,

Memandangkan aku ni anak yg sulung dan satu-satunya perempuan dalam famili, aku tak tau camane rasanya ada baby dalam famili. Yelah, mana lagi ada adik beradik aku yang ada anak lagi.. tapi bila Fatihah dah lahir, memang ada la perubahan dalam famili aku especially since dia cucu yang sulung..

a) Aku dan Zairi :
- dulu bila bergaduh, lama gak la baru sejuk.. tapi sejak ada Fatihah ni, kejap je dah bercakap mcm biasa
- sekarang ni kalau weekend, ada la jugak bawak Fatihah jalan2.. lepas tu mesti ada beli something untuk dia.. kalau tak beli toy, mesti ada baju sehelai dua
- kalau masing2 tension kat office, tengok gelagat dan telatah Fatihah je terus hilang semua tension yang ada..
- masa paling seronok bagi kotorang bertiga masa bagi dia makan.. kitorang gilir2 suap makanan dan pegang dia, sebab dia suka berdiri.. sekarang ni kalau nak makan, dah pandai sua mulut ke depan..

b) Daddy and Mama:
- Bagi daddy tak de orang yang paling cantik dan lawa melainkan Fatihah, sebab dia asyik cakap " ala cantik-cantik Fatihah.. "
- Daddy and mama asyik call nak cakap dengan Fatihah walaupun Fatihah tak boleh cakap lagi, dengar dia berbunyik pun tak pe
- Pasal duit tak yah cerita la.. ada je yang diorang salurkan ke akaun Fatihah, sekarang ni dia lagi kaya semua orang dalam famili ni
- Daddy siap buat lagu lagi pasal Fatihah pakai muzik roti gardenia tu.. "oh Fatihah.. enaknya dicium begitu saja.."hehe.. kelakar..
- Mama belajar buat smocking kat baju budak2, dan mama dah siap dah jahit smocking kat gaun untuk Fatihah, ni tgh nak jahit satu lagi
- Kalau pergi mana2, mesti ada beli baju ke, toys ke untuk Fatihah.. bukan satu, tapi kekadang tu sampai tiga ke empat item sekali..
- Ada sekali tu daddy sanggup ambil cuti nak jaga Fatihah kat umah.. hehe..
- Apa lagi yek?? Banyak lagik.. tak tercerita kat sini.. yang atas tu part of it la..

c) Angah
- Dia ni pun tak disangka-sangka jugak.. bila Fatihah dah lahir, sayang betul kat Fatihah.. bagi duit beli stroller, bulan2 bagi duit, lepas tu kalau balik asyik nak cium Fatihah je.. daripada tak reti pegang budak kecik sekarang dah pandai dah dukung walaupun kekok..
- Kalau Fatihah balik KL, bila angah balik keje je mesti carik Fatihah..
- Angah panggil Fatihah --> kenit, so dialog dia mesti camni " kenit, oo kenit.."

d) Adik
- Dia pun rajin melayan Fatihah.. kalau mintak tolong tengok ke, mandikan ke.. layan kejap ke, nak aje adik buat..
- Macam hari tu, adik tak dapat masuk Iowa State bulan 8 ni, dia bengang kejap sebab kena gi bulan 12.. tapi bila kata dia gi sekali dengan Fatihah (since aku pun pegi bulan 12), terus dia cool down..

e) Apit
- Dia paling jarang jumpa Fatihah sebab bila time kitorang balik KL kebetulan dia tak balik dari hostel. So sekali sekala jumpa tu, layan jugak la dengan Fatihah...

Conclusion --> Fatihah obviously changed our life in a way that we never thought before. She truly affects us deep inside, and she will always be the sweetheart in our family..

New semester!  

written by hidayah
July 07,

Salam all,

I have not been able to post new entries in my blog lately. The busiest week has finally arrived. I was wiped, by all the events and activities that need to be attended.

- New student registration --> briefings and meetings and registering new students
- New student orientation --> I'm one of the facilitator, so I have to conduct some kind of module for these new kids
- Officiating/Closing ceremony of the orientation (On Sunday and Tuesday)--> It's compulsory. Need I say more??
- Promotion --> I was assigned to PLKN Gambang to promote KPTM to the wira and wirawati

Plus, I need to prepare lecture materials for my class, not to mention all the administrative stuff for the department.

Well, can't really promise here, but I'll try my best to post entries eventhough between classes! :D